Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
Laurie Istlar
Revenge of Divinity
lady kagomi
Great Descent
Nix Shadowstalker
Aryen Illusion
Divina Lydia
Brandon Van
Ever Wind Pro
Force of the divine
Dan Obsidian
The prodigy
Jidahlo Stormarrow
42 posters
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Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
Tucked snug and warm at home, you sit reading the Forum while the wind howls and wails outside. Pausing to take a sip of your drink, you hear a thump against the wall near the window behind you. Curious, you stand and walk slowly towards it, noticing how the Moon has cast an icy light across the yard, illuminating the wind blown leaves with a merciless glow. As you draw closer to the window you hear another THUMP but louder than the first, followed by a second then a third, each making the window rattle. You hesitate, not quite at the window but no longer safely on the other side of the room at your desk, clutching drink in hand. Suddenly the thumps become more often and more insistent and you’re now hearing the scratching and scrabbling of nails along the outside walls and footsteps on the roof above you(?!).
Shocked at how you’ve gone from relaxing while perusing the Forum to this nightmare, you are paralyzed like a stone statue because added to this madness you are now witnessing a dark shadow entering the yard, the Moon’s light unable to penetrate its’ onyx darkness. Slowly, ever so slowly it drifts closer to the window and as it approaches you can see ghostly tendrils of fog swirl around it while two bright eyes from within the black nothingness appear to be watching you. You drop your drink when a pale luminescent fist extends from its’ shadows towards the window, towards you. Mesmerized you can only stare as the fist opens, allowing you the view of two glowing blood-red dice resting snake-eyes up.
Out of the blue, your doorbell begins to ring non-stop adding to the racket of noise. The heart that you thought stopped when this hell began; slams against your ribs as you spin on your heel and run like mad to the door. Whipping it open without even looking first, you begin babbling incoherently to the figure standing there as you reach out and grab their arm. Half-dragging them, you rush them to your computer room while continuing to talk in garbled speech that isn’t even a language. It begins to sink into your terrorized mind they are not disturbed or upset, just calmly taking in the commotion and view that has been your hell. You look at them closely, this person you dragged through your house. “Akroma?” you ask in a quavering voice. “Yeah Logan it’s me, do you realize you left marks on my arm you jerk” Akroma replies. “OMG Akroma don’t you see out there, can't you hear?!?” you wave your arm wildly…gesturing towards the figure in the yard and where the symphony of noises are coming from, almost nailing Akroma in the head while doing so. Sighing deeply Akroma looks at you and says the last thing you would have imagined in this nightmare
“Logan you Nubz, it’s almost Helloween and that means Lotto Time with Kiera”
*Evil Giggle* It's time to bring to you The Alliance-Wide Lottery for All Hallows Eve!! We're going to see what can be done to Trick or Treat up to Six People so mark your Calendars... we roll on 31-October at 11:30pm EST at the AoL GH to see who our lucky winners will be and then we’ll be running over to LA to play with Mad King Thorn!
As the Keeper of the Bones aka Dice-Mistress, here's the scoop on how the AoL Alliance Lottery works for all our new Members and Guilds:
(1) As always will be 1 - 100 for numbers
(2) No more than two people will be able to choose the same number(s). First come first serve basis, and your payment is required within 3-days of making your picks otherwise they will be erased and opened up for others to buy.
(3) You can make your picks either in game or here on the forum, but again it's first come first serve. If you post here on forum, please advise your IGN along with Guild you're in.
(4) Cost is 500g per pick, maximum two picks per person (ie: 1k if you want 2 numbers)
(5) There will be a first place that takes 60% of the total gold jackpot, second gets 30% of the pot, and third place takes home 10% of it.
(6) If there are two people on winning number(s), the gold will be split 50-50
(7) Any and all Items donated will be randomly assigned to either A or B for each winning spot (1st-3rd) First person on that number is A.
(8) The dice-roll will be in reverse beginning with third-place.
(9) Jackpot is starting at 5k since we had winners on all three spots last Lotto so remember all tickets sold below are added to it as well as any donations of gold or items.
(10) Should there be a roll for a number no one has 'bought', that particular spot's gold jackpot will roll over to the next Lotto and its' items will be random divided between the other winners There will be NO Re-Rolls
(11) This is an Alliance-Activity so please don't use any duplicate accounts to get more chances or use a different character *wrinkles nose* because that'd be unfair and really crass.
(12) Because of schedules, you can give your payment to either myself (Kiera something or another from AoL) OR to Logan Shadowclan of Nubz. Just yell in Alliance Chat for us.
Any questions, you can contact me in-game under any of my Kiera names (Just yell via Alliance-Chat for Kiera of AoL) or hit me up here on the Forum in PMail.
As with the past Lottos I will maintain this thread until the big event and again to reiterate.... should there be no winner, the ENTIRE Gold Jackpot for that spot (1st, 2nd, or 3rd place) rolls over to the next one. Having posted all the terms and conditions.. Let the Helloween Lotto Begin!!
Starting Pot: 5k
Donations Most Generously and Deeply Appreciated as always!
5k -Click (BOOM)
Ebon Adamantin Falchion of Shelter -Click (BOOM)
Hale Portal Saff of Deathbane -Click (BOOM)
Adept Soulspire of Fortitude -Click (BOOM)
Barbed Savage Dagger -Click (BOOM)
Cyndirs Aegis - BB (RAiD)
Star of Transference - BB (RAiD)
Unges of the Forgotten - BB (RAiD)
Roctail Stinger - BB (RAiD)
Staff wrapping of Fortitude - BB (RAiD)
Bowgrip of Fortitude - BB (RAiD)
Barbed Colossal Scimitar of Deathwrapping - BB (RAiD)
Hidesplitter Spear - BB (RAiD)
Mini Juggernaut (ded) - Womby (RAiD)
Mini Titan (ded) - Womby (RAiD)
Onyx Staff - Womby (RAiD)
Gorrels Cane - Womby (RAiD)
Onata's Shards - Womby (RAiD)
4k - Dan (AoL)
Mini Mandrigor Imp (ded) - TOA Lotto
Mini Siege Turtle - TOA Lotto
Fiery Lesser Jagged Reaver - TOA Lotto
Insightful Scrying Glass Staff - TOA Lotto
(10) Mysterious Tonics - TOA Lotto
Primitive Staff - TOA Lotto
Ranger Tome - TOA Lotto
Perfect Salvage Kit - TOA Lotto
Crate Fireworks - TOA Lotto
ID Kit - TOA Lotto
Sundering Talon Daggers - TOA Lotto
Dagger handle of Dagger Mastery - TOA Lotto
Crippling Platnum Blade of Fortitude - TOA Lotto
Necro Rune of Sup Soul Reaping - TOA Lotto
Pyromancer Insignia - TOA Lotto
Geomancer Insignia - TOA Lotto
(250) Tanned Hide Squares - TOA Lotto
(250) Bolts of Clothe - TOA Lotto
(2) Bags - TOA Lotto
50k - AC (AoL)
Ckkr's Flatbow - Tank (AoL)
Fendi's Focus - Tank (AoL)
Razortongue's Recurve Bow - Tank (AoL)
The Skill Eater - Tank (AoL)
Kantoh's Walking Stick - Tank (AoL)
The Soul Wailer - Tank (AoL)
Deldrimore Curses Scepter - Tank (AoL)
(3) Elite Mesmer Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(4) Elite Warrior Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(6) Elite Necro Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(5) Elite Ranger Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(1) Elite Ele Tome - Sansa (AoL)
(3) Mesmer Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(3) Warrior Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(6) Necro Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(2) Monk Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(1) Ele Tome - Sansa (AoL)
Insightful Amber Staff of Enchanting - BB (RAiD)
Zealous Dragan Kamas of Enchanting - BB (RAiD)
Mini-whiptail Devourer - BB (RAiD)
Mini Siege Turtle - BB (RAiD)
Mini Jungle Troll - BB (RAiD)
Shocking Shadowblad of Deathbane - BB (RAiD)
Barbed Shadow Bow of Fortitude - BB (RAiD)
Demonic Aegis - Logan (Nubz)
The Wingshielder - Logan (Nubz)
Claws of the Broodmother - Logan (Nubz)
(5) Red Rock Candies - Logan (Nubz)
(4) Yellow Dye - Force (ie)
Green Dye - Force (ie)
Brown Dye - Force (ie)
(3) Silver Dye - Force (ie)
Purple Dye - Force (ie)
(2) Scrolls of Slayers Insight - Force (ie)
Mini Fungal Wallow - Force (ie)
Scroll of Rampagers Insight - Force (ie)
(2) Deep Scrolls - Force (ie)
(3) Urgoz Scrolls - Force (ie)
(2) Creme Brulee's - Force (ie)
Reinforced Defender - Force (ie)
Ascalonian Key - Force (ie)
(2) Monk Tomes - Force (ie)
Paragon Tome - Force (iE)
(2) Warrior Tomes - Force (iE)
Radiant Insigna - Force (iE)
Rune of Attunement - Force (iE)
Warrior Rune of Superior Absorption - Force (ie)
20k - Force (iE)
5k - Adam (AoL)
(10) Mysterious Summoning Stones - Fenris (Nubz)
(5) Mercantile Summoning Stones - Fenris (Nubz)
(10) Firewater - Fenris (Nubz)
(20) Creme Brulee's - Fenris (Nubz)
30k - Fenris (Nubz)
Poisonous Serpent Axed of Enchanting - Brandon (AoL)
Wingstorm - Brandon (AoL)
Gwens Flute (green) - Brandon (AoL)
Claws of the Broodmother - Brandon (AoL)
Murkai's Reaver - Brandon (AoL)
Saushali's Recurve Bow - Brandon (AoL)
(30) Mysterious Summoning Stones - Brandon (AoL)
4k Donation - Sabith (AoL)
11k Donation - Amber (AoL)
Wingstorm - Katrue (AoL)
Furious Greater Sage Blade of Fortitude - BB (RAiD)
Oaken Aegis of Endurance - BB (RAiD)
Shocking Colossal Scimater of Enchanting - BB (RAiD)
Equine Aegis of Fortitude - BB (RAiD)
Bramble Longbow - BB (RAiD)
Deadly Cesta of Shelter - BB (RAiD)
Sundering Ruby Maul of Fortitude - BB (RAiD)
Gloom Shield of Fortitude - BB (RAiD)
1k - Bane (AoL)
Fiery Dragon Sword of Defense - Bane (AoL)
Short Sword of Deathbane - BB (RAiD)
Shocking Sturdy Recurve Bow of Shelter - BB (RAiD)
Hale Arcane Staff of Inspiration - BB (RAiD)
Silver Boar Scepter of Memory - BB (RAiD)
Scroll of Slayers Insight - BB (RAiD)
(3) Warrior Tomes - BB (RAiD)
Elite Rit Tome - Dark Riegns (AoL)
Elite Dervish Tome - Dark Riegns (AoL)
(5) Pumpkin Cookies - Golden Sky Angel (RAiD)
Aged Hunter Ale Keg - Monk Massey (iE)
35k - Lady Kagomi (iE)
Rune of Minor Vigor - Carseus (iE)
(7) Passage Scrolls to the Deep - Carseus (iE)
Black Dye - Carseus (iE)
Dagger Handle of Fortitude - Carseus (iE)
Aptitude not Attitude - Carseus (iE)
Crippling Ceremonial Daggers of Defense - Carseus (iE)
Spear of the Kinslayer - Carseus (iE)
20k Donation - Gracimar/MarkB (MCL)
(3) Stoneroot Keys - Gracimar/MarkB (MCL)
(5) Mysterious Summoning Stones - Gracimar/MarkB (MCL)
Elite Paragon Tome - Gracimar/MarkB (MCL)
Elite Ranger Tome - Gracimar/MarkB (MCL)
Scroll Berserkers Insight - Twinnie (DPW)
(2) Scrolls Hero Insight- Twinnie (DPW)
Fow Scroll - Twinnie (DPW)
Deep Scroll - Twinnie (DPW)
(2) Cupcakes - Twinnie (DPW)
Rune Minor Vigor - Twinnie (DPW)
Star of Transference - Twinnie (DPW)
(3) Scrolls Hunters Insight - Twinnie (DPW)
Hale Staff Head - Logan (Nubz)
(2) Defensive Staff Head - Logan (Nubz)
(2) Superior Rune of Healing - Logan (Nubz)
Shield Handle of Valor - Logan (Nubz)
Inscrip "run for your life" - Logan (Nubz)
Mini Jade Armor - Anna (AoL)
Demonic Summoning Stone - Anna (AoL)
Scroll Slayers Insight - Anna (AoL)
Mischief Summoning Stone - Anna (AoL)
Frosty Summoning Stone - Anna (AoL)
Rune of Minor Vigor - Anna (AoL)
Scroll of Heros Insight - Anna (AoL)
(5) Scrolls of Adventurer Insight - Anna (AoL)
Scroll of Slayers Insight - Anna (AoL)
(3) Eggs - Anna (AoL)
Bison Cup - Anna (AoL)
(2) Scroll of Rampagers Insight - Anna (AoL)
Survivor Insignia - Anna (AoL)
(3) Mysterious Tonics - Anna (AoL)
1k Donation - Sensai Mikoshati (MCL)
(100) Superb Charr Carvings - Sensai Mikoshati (MCL)
Sundering Stygian Reaver of Fortitude - Sensai Mikoshati (MCL)
5k Donation - Durnik (DPW)
10,593 Donation - BB (RAiD)
1 Logan-Nubz
2 Dan Obsidian-AoL, Gracimar/MarkB-MCL
3 Twinnie-DPW, Nakky-DPW
4 Dark Riegns-AoL, Durnik-DPW
5 BB-RAiD, Zaine God of War-AoL
6 Day-iE, Arc-AoL
7 PhoenixSummer/Kitty-DPW, Ancient Cetra-Nubz
8 Dan Obsidian-AoL
9 Ali/Medicinski-iE
10 Altair AC-AoL
11 Click-BOOM, Passifis-RAiD
12 Pendragon-Nubz
13 Dam-RAiD, Gods-NoNe
14 Anna-AoL
15 Descent-NoNe
16 Derv-AoL, Arc-AoL
17 Lady Kagomi-iE, Nakky-DPW
18 Katru-AoL, Ed-BOOM
19 Divinity-AoL
20 Nix-RAiD, Buffy DaBeast Slayer-RAiD
21 Monk Massey-iE, Ed-BOOM
22 Jid-RAiD, Divine-iE
23 Prodigy Voice-iE
24 Divina Lydia-BOOM, Lala-BOOM
25 Ali/Medicinski-iE, Exius Xavarus-DPW
26 Amer-AoL, Adam-AoL
27 Pendragon-Nubz, Zaus-AoL
28 Divina Lydia-BOOM, Big Meanie Bully-iE
29 Passifis-RAiD
30 Surma-RAiD
31 Darian-BOOM
32 Click-BOOM
33 Jinx-iE, Zaine God of War-AoL
34 Tank-AoL
35 Amber-AoL
36 Anna-AoL, Gracimar/MarkB-MCL
37 Ratche-AoL
38 Divine-iE
39 Aryen Illusion-Nubz
40 Bloodshot Bow/Somawesomdude-RAiD
41 Bloodshot Bow/Somawesomdude-RAiD
42 Katrue-AoL
43 Caramon Lance Hero-BOOM
44 Roxy-AoL, Wine-Nubz
45 Nix-RAiD
46 Dam-RAiD
47 PhoenixSummer/Kitty-DPW
48 Treacherous Spirit-DPW
49 Treacherous Spirit-DPW
50 Aldair Shadowstep-iE, Exius Xavarus-DPW
51 Jid-RAiD
52 Derv-AoL
53 Nat Twentee-Nubz
54 Brandon-AoL, Zaus-AoL
55 Rip Hackenslash-Nubz
56 Psion/Spell-RAiD
57 Carseus-iE
58 Carseus-iE
59 Lady Kagomi-iE
60 Nat Twentee-Nubz
61 Laurie Istlar-iE
62 Womby-RAiD
63 Rip Hackenslash-Nubz
64 Aldair Shadowstep-iE
65 Jinx-iE, Durnik-DPW
66 Day-iE, Max Murder Man-Nubz
68 Bane-AoL, Tank-AoL
69 Twinnie-DPW
70 BB-RAiD
71 Daanq DA-Nubz/Dan
72 Altair AC-AoL
73 Psion/Spell-RAiD, Amer-AoL
74 Lala-BOOM
75 Brandon-AoL, Ancient Cetra-Nubz
76 Adam-AoL, Wine-Nubz
77 Aryen Illusion-Nubz, Max Murder Man-Nubz
78 Darian-BOOM, Prodigy Voice-iE
79 Laurie Istlar-iE
80 Descent-NoNe
81 Surma-RAiD, Sensai Mikoshati-MCL
82 Womby-RAiD
83 XENDT-iE, Buffy DaBeast Slayer-RAiD
84 Monk Massey-iE, Big Meanie Bully-iE
85 Sabith-AoL
86 Caramon Lance Hero-BOOM
87 Divinity-AoL, Gods-NoNe
88 Belth of Zerg-RAiD
89 Belth of Zerg-RAiD, Dark Riegns-AoL
90 Amber-AoL
91 Daanq DA-Nubz/Dan
92 Sabith-AoL
93 Roxy-AoL
94 Fenris-Nubz
95 Fenris-Nubz
96 Ellory-Nubz
97 Ellory-Nubz
98 Ratche-AoL
99 Bane-AoL, Sensai Mikoshati-MCL
100 Logan-Nubz
Shocked at how you’ve gone from relaxing while perusing the Forum to this nightmare, you are paralyzed like a stone statue because added to this madness you are now witnessing a dark shadow entering the yard, the Moon’s light unable to penetrate its’ onyx darkness. Slowly, ever so slowly it drifts closer to the window and as it approaches you can see ghostly tendrils of fog swirl around it while two bright eyes from within the black nothingness appear to be watching you. You drop your drink when a pale luminescent fist extends from its’ shadows towards the window, towards you. Mesmerized you can only stare as the fist opens, allowing you the view of two glowing blood-red dice resting snake-eyes up.
Out of the blue, your doorbell begins to ring non-stop adding to the racket of noise. The heart that you thought stopped when this hell began; slams against your ribs as you spin on your heel and run like mad to the door. Whipping it open without even looking first, you begin babbling incoherently to the figure standing there as you reach out and grab their arm. Half-dragging them, you rush them to your computer room while continuing to talk in garbled speech that isn’t even a language. It begins to sink into your terrorized mind they are not disturbed or upset, just calmly taking in the commotion and view that has been your hell. You look at them closely, this person you dragged through your house. “Akroma?” you ask in a quavering voice. “Yeah Logan it’s me, do you realize you left marks on my arm you jerk” Akroma replies. “OMG Akroma don’t you see out there, can't you hear?!?” you wave your arm wildly…gesturing towards the figure in the yard and where the symphony of noises are coming from, almost nailing Akroma in the head while doing so. Sighing deeply Akroma looks at you and says the last thing you would have imagined in this nightmare
“Logan you Nubz, it’s almost Helloween and that means Lotto Time with Kiera”
*Evil Giggle* It's time to bring to you The Alliance-Wide Lottery for All Hallows Eve!! We're going to see what can be done to Trick or Treat up to Six People so mark your Calendars... we roll on 31-October at 11:30pm EST at the AoL GH to see who our lucky winners will be and then we’ll be running over to LA to play with Mad King Thorn!
As the Keeper of the Bones aka Dice-Mistress, here's the scoop on how the AoL Alliance Lottery works for all our new Members and Guilds:
(1) As always will be 1 - 100 for numbers
(2) No more than two people will be able to choose the same number(s). First come first serve basis, and your payment is required within 3-days of making your picks otherwise they will be erased and opened up for others to buy.
(3) You can make your picks either in game or here on the forum, but again it's first come first serve. If you post here on forum, please advise your IGN along with Guild you're in.
(4) Cost is 500g per pick, maximum two picks per person (ie: 1k if you want 2 numbers)
(5) There will be a first place that takes 60% of the total gold jackpot, second gets 30% of the pot, and third place takes home 10% of it.
(6) If there are two people on winning number(s), the gold will be split 50-50
(7) Any and all Items donated will be randomly assigned to either A or B for each winning spot (1st-3rd) First person on that number is A.
(8) The dice-roll will be in reverse beginning with third-place.
(9) Jackpot is starting at 5k since we had winners on all three spots last Lotto so remember all tickets sold below are added to it as well as any donations of gold or items.
(10) Should there be a roll for a number no one has 'bought', that particular spot's gold jackpot will roll over to the next Lotto and its' items will be random divided between the other winners There will be NO Re-Rolls
(11) This is an Alliance-Activity so please don't use any duplicate accounts to get more chances or use a different character *wrinkles nose* because that'd be unfair and really crass.
(12) Because of schedules, you can give your payment to either myself (Kiera something or another from AoL) OR to Logan Shadowclan of Nubz. Just yell in Alliance Chat for us.
Any questions, you can contact me in-game under any of my Kiera names (Just yell via Alliance-Chat for Kiera of AoL) or hit me up here on the Forum in PMail.
As with the past Lottos I will maintain this thread until the big event and again to reiterate.... should there be no winner, the ENTIRE Gold Jackpot for that spot (1st, 2nd, or 3rd place) rolls over to the next one. Having posted all the terms and conditions.. Let the Helloween Lotto Begin!!
Starting Pot: 5k
Donations Most Generously and Deeply Appreciated as always!
5k -Click (BOOM)
Ebon Adamantin Falchion of Shelter -Click (BOOM)
Hale Portal Saff of Deathbane -Click (BOOM)
Adept Soulspire of Fortitude -Click (BOOM)
Barbed Savage Dagger -Click (BOOM)
Cyndirs Aegis - BB (RAiD)
Star of Transference - BB (RAiD)
Unges of the Forgotten - BB (RAiD)
Roctail Stinger - BB (RAiD)
Staff wrapping of Fortitude - BB (RAiD)
Bowgrip of Fortitude - BB (RAiD)
Barbed Colossal Scimitar of Deathwrapping - BB (RAiD)
Hidesplitter Spear - BB (RAiD)
Mini Juggernaut (ded) - Womby (RAiD)
Mini Titan (ded) - Womby (RAiD)
Onyx Staff - Womby (RAiD)
Gorrels Cane - Womby (RAiD)
Onata's Shards - Womby (RAiD)
4k - Dan (AoL)
Mini Mandrigor Imp (ded) - TOA Lotto
Mini Siege Turtle - TOA Lotto
Fiery Lesser Jagged Reaver - TOA Lotto
Insightful Scrying Glass Staff - TOA Lotto
(10) Mysterious Tonics - TOA Lotto
Primitive Staff - TOA Lotto
Ranger Tome - TOA Lotto
Perfect Salvage Kit - TOA Lotto
Crate Fireworks - TOA Lotto
ID Kit - TOA Lotto
Sundering Talon Daggers - TOA Lotto
Dagger handle of Dagger Mastery - TOA Lotto
Crippling Platnum Blade of Fortitude - TOA Lotto
Necro Rune of Sup Soul Reaping - TOA Lotto
Pyromancer Insignia - TOA Lotto
Geomancer Insignia - TOA Lotto
(250) Tanned Hide Squares - TOA Lotto
(250) Bolts of Clothe - TOA Lotto
(2) Bags - TOA Lotto
50k - AC (AoL)
Ckkr's Flatbow - Tank (AoL)
Fendi's Focus - Tank (AoL)
Razortongue's Recurve Bow - Tank (AoL)
The Skill Eater - Tank (AoL)
Kantoh's Walking Stick - Tank (AoL)
The Soul Wailer - Tank (AoL)
Deldrimore Curses Scepter - Tank (AoL)
(3) Elite Mesmer Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(4) Elite Warrior Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(6) Elite Necro Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(5) Elite Ranger Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(1) Elite Ele Tome - Sansa (AoL)
(3) Mesmer Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(3) Warrior Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(6) Necro Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(2) Monk Tomes - Sansa (AoL)
(1) Ele Tome - Sansa (AoL)
Insightful Amber Staff of Enchanting - BB (RAiD)
Zealous Dragan Kamas of Enchanting - BB (RAiD)
Mini-whiptail Devourer - BB (RAiD)
Mini Siege Turtle - BB (RAiD)
Mini Jungle Troll - BB (RAiD)
Shocking Shadowblad of Deathbane - BB (RAiD)
Barbed Shadow Bow of Fortitude - BB (RAiD)
Demonic Aegis - Logan (Nubz)
The Wingshielder - Logan (Nubz)
Claws of the Broodmother - Logan (Nubz)
(5) Red Rock Candies - Logan (Nubz)
(4) Yellow Dye - Force (ie)
Green Dye - Force (ie)
Brown Dye - Force (ie)
(3) Silver Dye - Force (ie)
Purple Dye - Force (ie)
(2) Scrolls of Slayers Insight - Force (ie)
Mini Fungal Wallow - Force (ie)
Scroll of Rampagers Insight - Force (ie)
(2) Deep Scrolls - Force (ie)
(3) Urgoz Scrolls - Force (ie)
(2) Creme Brulee's - Force (ie)
Reinforced Defender - Force (ie)
Ascalonian Key - Force (ie)
(2) Monk Tomes - Force (ie)
Paragon Tome - Force (iE)
(2) Warrior Tomes - Force (iE)
Radiant Insigna - Force (iE)
Rune of Attunement - Force (iE)
Warrior Rune of Superior Absorption - Force (ie)
20k - Force (iE)
5k - Adam (AoL)
(10) Mysterious Summoning Stones - Fenris (Nubz)
(5) Mercantile Summoning Stones - Fenris (Nubz)
(10) Firewater - Fenris (Nubz)
(20) Creme Brulee's - Fenris (Nubz)
30k - Fenris (Nubz)
Poisonous Serpent Axed of Enchanting - Brandon (AoL)
Wingstorm - Brandon (AoL)
Gwens Flute (green) - Brandon (AoL)
Claws of the Broodmother - Brandon (AoL)
Murkai's Reaver - Brandon (AoL)
Saushali's Recurve Bow - Brandon (AoL)
(30) Mysterious Summoning Stones - Brandon (AoL)
4k Donation - Sabith (AoL)
11k Donation - Amber (AoL)
Wingstorm - Katrue (AoL)
Furious Greater Sage Blade of Fortitude - BB (RAiD)
Oaken Aegis of Endurance - BB (RAiD)
Shocking Colossal Scimater of Enchanting - BB (RAiD)
Equine Aegis of Fortitude - BB (RAiD)
Bramble Longbow - BB (RAiD)
Deadly Cesta of Shelter - BB (RAiD)
Sundering Ruby Maul of Fortitude - BB (RAiD)
Gloom Shield of Fortitude - BB (RAiD)
1k - Bane (AoL)
Fiery Dragon Sword of Defense - Bane (AoL)
Short Sword of Deathbane - BB (RAiD)
Shocking Sturdy Recurve Bow of Shelter - BB (RAiD)
Hale Arcane Staff of Inspiration - BB (RAiD)
Silver Boar Scepter of Memory - BB (RAiD)
Scroll of Slayers Insight - BB (RAiD)
(3) Warrior Tomes - BB (RAiD)
Elite Rit Tome - Dark Riegns (AoL)
Elite Dervish Tome - Dark Riegns (AoL)
(5) Pumpkin Cookies - Golden Sky Angel (RAiD)
Aged Hunter Ale Keg - Monk Massey (iE)
35k - Lady Kagomi (iE)
Rune of Minor Vigor - Carseus (iE)
(7) Passage Scrolls to the Deep - Carseus (iE)
Black Dye - Carseus (iE)
Dagger Handle of Fortitude - Carseus (iE)
Aptitude not Attitude - Carseus (iE)
Crippling Ceremonial Daggers of Defense - Carseus (iE)
Spear of the Kinslayer - Carseus (iE)
20k Donation - Gracimar/MarkB (MCL)
(3) Stoneroot Keys - Gracimar/MarkB (MCL)
(5) Mysterious Summoning Stones - Gracimar/MarkB (MCL)
Elite Paragon Tome - Gracimar/MarkB (MCL)
Elite Ranger Tome - Gracimar/MarkB (MCL)
Scroll Berserkers Insight - Twinnie (DPW)
(2) Scrolls Hero Insight- Twinnie (DPW)
Fow Scroll - Twinnie (DPW)
Deep Scroll - Twinnie (DPW)
(2) Cupcakes - Twinnie (DPW)
Rune Minor Vigor - Twinnie (DPW)
Star of Transference - Twinnie (DPW)
(3) Scrolls Hunters Insight - Twinnie (DPW)
Hale Staff Head - Logan (Nubz)
(2) Defensive Staff Head - Logan (Nubz)
(2) Superior Rune of Healing - Logan (Nubz)
Shield Handle of Valor - Logan (Nubz)
Inscrip "run for your life" - Logan (Nubz)
Mini Jade Armor - Anna (AoL)
Demonic Summoning Stone - Anna (AoL)
Scroll Slayers Insight - Anna (AoL)
Mischief Summoning Stone - Anna (AoL)
Frosty Summoning Stone - Anna (AoL)
Rune of Minor Vigor - Anna (AoL)
Scroll of Heros Insight - Anna (AoL)
(5) Scrolls of Adventurer Insight - Anna (AoL)
Scroll of Slayers Insight - Anna (AoL)
(3) Eggs - Anna (AoL)
Bison Cup - Anna (AoL)
(2) Scroll of Rampagers Insight - Anna (AoL)
Survivor Insignia - Anna (AoL)
(3) Mysterious Tonics - Anna (AoL)
1k Donation - Sensai Mikoshati (MCL)
(100) Superb Charr Carvings - Sensai Mikoshati (MCL)
Sundering Stygian Reaver of Fortitude - Sensai Mikoshati (MCL)
5k Donation - Durnik (DPW)
10,593 Donation - BB (RAiD)
1 Logan-Nubz
2 Dan Obsidian-AoL, Gracimar/MarkB-MCL
3 Twinnie-DPW, Nakky-DPW
4 Dark Riegns-AoL, Durnik-DPW
5 BB-RAiD, Zaine God of War-AoL
6 Day-iE, Arc-AoL
7 PhoenixSummer/Kitty-DPW, Ancient Cetra-Nubz
8 Dan Obsidian-AoL
9 Ali/Medicinski-iE
10 Altair AC-AoL
11 Click-BOOM, Passifis-RAiD
12 Pendragon-Nubz
13 Dam-RAiD, Gods-NoNe
14 Anna-AoL
15 Descent-NoNe
16 Derv-AoL, Arc-AoL
17 Lady Kagomi-iE, Nakky-DPW
18 Katru-AoL, Ed-BOOM
19 Divinity-AoL
20 Nix-RAiD, Buffy DaBeast Slayer-RAiD
21 Monk Massey-iE, Ed-BOOM
22 Jid-RAiD, Divine-iE
23 Prodigy Voice-iE
24 Divina Lydia-BOOM, Lala-BOOM
25 Ali/Medicinski-iE, Exius Xavarus-DPW
26 Amer-AoL, Adam-AoL
27 Pendragon-Nubz, Zaus-AoL
28 Divina Lydia-BOOM, Big Meanie Bully-iE
29 Passifis-RAiD
30 Surma-RAiD
31 Darian-BOOM
32 Click-BOOM
33 Jinx-iE, Zaine God of War-AoL
34 Tank-AoL
35 Amber-AoL
36 Anna-AoL, Gracimar/MarkB-MCL
37 Ratche-AoL
38 Divine-iE
39 Aryen Illusion-Nubz
40 Bloodshot Bow/Somawesomdude-RAiD
41 Bloodshot Bow/Somawesomdude-RAiD
42 Katrue-AoL
43 Caramon Lance Hero-BOOM
44 Roxy-AoL, Wine-Nubz
45 Nix-RAiD
46 Dam-RAiD
47 PhoenixSummer/Kitty-DPW
48 Treacherous Spirit-DPW
49 Treacherous Spirit-DPW
50 Aldair Shadowstep-iE, Exius Xavarus-DPW
51 Jid-RAiD
52 Derv-AoL
53 Nat Twentee-Nubz
54 Brandon-AoL, Zaus-AoL
55 Rip Hackenslash-Nubz
56 Psion/Spell-RAiD
57 Carseus-iE
58 Carseus-iE
59 Lady Kagomi-iE
60 Nat Twentee-Nubz
61 Laurie Istlar-iE
62 Womby-RAiD
63 Rip Hackenslash-Nubz
64 Aldair Shadowstep-iE
65 Jinx-iE, Durnik-DPW
66 Day-iE, Max Murder Man-Nubz
68 Bane-AoL, Tank-AoL
69 Twinnie-DPW
70 BB-RAiD
71 Daanq DA-Nubz/Dan
72 Altair AC-AoL
73 Psion/Spell-RAiD, Amer-AoL
74 Lala-BOOM
75 Brandon-AoL, Ancient Cetra-Nubz
76 Adam-AoL, Wine-Nubz
77 Aryen Illusion-Nubz, Max Murder Man-Nubz
78 Darian-BOOM, Prodigy Voice-iE
79 Laurie Istlar-iE
80 Descent-NoNe
81 Surma-RAiD, Sensai Mikoshati-MCL
82 Womby-RAiD
83 XENDT-iE, Buffy DaBeast Slayer-RAiD
84 Monk Massey-iE, Big Meanie Bully-iE
85 Sabith-AoL
86 Caramon Lance Hero-BOOM
87 Divinity-AoL, Gods-NoNe
88 Belth of Zerg-RAiD
89 Belth of Zerg-RAiD, Dark Riegns-AoL
90 Amber-AoL
91 Daanq DA-Nubz/Dan
92 Sabith-AoL
93 Roxy-AoL
94 Fenris-Nubz
95 Fenris-Nubz
96 Ellory-Nubz
97 Ellory-Nubz
98 Ratche-AoL
99 Bane-AoL, Sensai Mikoshati-MCL
100 Logan-Nubz
Last edited by Kiera on Sun Nov 01, 2009 12:24 am; edited 70 times in total
Kiera- Divine Light
Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 3612
City : Northeast USA
Occupation : Pocket Monk
Hobbies : Chasing Dots
Registration date : 2008-07-22
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
I wants 13 and 46 please.
*Collected via Logan - Kiera*
*Collected via Logan - Kiera*
Dam- Level 60
Guild : RAiD
Number of posts : 646
City : Albuequerque, NM
Occupation : Jobless!! Oh yeah... (student)
Hobbies : Guild wars, Comedy, Books, art.
Registration date : 2009-05-16
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
31 & 78 for me plz.
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
Darian- Level 50
Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 525
Registration date : 2009-08-01
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
6 and 66, please.
*Collected via Logan - Kiera*
*Collected via Logan - Kiera*
Day- Level 3
Guild : Illuminati Elite
Number of posts : 38
Registration date : 2009-02-02
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
25 and 9 plz
*Collected - Kiera*
25 and 9 plz
*Collected - Kiera*
Ali- Level 5
Guild : Illuminati Elite [iE]
Number of posts : 52
City : MB
Hobbies : Snowboarding, music, movies, books, Gaming
Registration date : 2009-02-15
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
11 and 32 for me please.
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
Click- Level 5
Guild : [BOOM]
Number of posts : 57
City : Lost in colorado USA
Hobbies : GW!!! kids,fishing,hunting,and blowing things up....
Registration date : 2009-08-19
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
18 and 42 plz
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
Katrue- Level 1
Number of posts : 13
City : Richmond
Hobbies : GW, MUSIC!!!!!!, Design, Arts,
Registration date : 2009-08-30
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
51 and 22 plox
*Collected via Logan - Kiera*
*Collected via Logan - Kiera*
Jidahlo Stormarrow- Level 35
Guild : RAiD
Number of posts : 354
City : Chi-town
Occupation : P...P...Par...Part...Partay?...Partay...PARTAAAAY!
Hobbies : Soccer, School, GW, clubs, Cooking
Registration date : 2009-04-05
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
umm im new so i dont know if i can do this but i would like 23 and 78 please
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
The prodigy- Level 5
Guild : Illuminati Elite
Number of posts : 50
City : Blaine, washington
Occupation : Music Artist, Actor
Hobbies : games, Acting, and makeing Trance, Amphguard
Registration date : 2009-09-24
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
I'll take 67 and 83.
*Collected via Logan - Kiera*
*Collected via Logan - Kiera*
vendt- Level 31
Guild : [AoL]
Number of posts : 316
City : Oklahoma - United States
Occupation : Ripper Doc
Hobbies : hunting red dots
Registration date : 2009-09-22
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
can i have 10 and 72 kiera? i wont be able to get on for another 65 hours since i got a temp ban.. but i got a nice donation for you when i can get on
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
Altair- Level 24
Guild : Guild With No [NAME]
Number of posts : 242
Registration date : 2009-06-07
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
3 and 69 plz miss twin
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
dervishwonda- Level 10
Guild : dark phoenixs of wonder
Number of posts : 109
City : panama city
Occupation : queen aggro
Hobbies : singing dancing and of course guild wars
Registration date : 2009-08-12
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
haha i love the story...very spooky
dervishwonda- Level 10
Guild : dark phoenixs of wonder
Number of posts : 109
City : panama city
Occupation : queen aggro
Hobbies : singing dancing and of course guild wars
Registration date : 2009-08-12
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
I'd like nr's 2 and 8 plz
Dan Obsidian - AoL
*Collected - Kiera*
I'd like nr's 2 and 8 plz
Dan Obsidian - AoL
*Collected - Kiera*
Dan Obsidian- Level 50
- Guild : Army Of Lightness
Number of posts : 501
Registration date : 2009-09-13
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
21 and 84 , Monk Massey
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
Massey- Level 3
- Guild : iE
Number of posts : 31
City : Preston
Registration date : 2009-02-07
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
time to donate...22 and 38 plz
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
Force of the divine- Light
Guild : Illuminati Elite
Number of posts : 1495
City : Delft
Occupation : Drinker of Beer
Hobbies : Hockey (field), GW, drinking beer
Registration date : 2009-02-27
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
62 and 82 for me kiera when i next get on
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
Ever Wind Pro- Level 32
Guild : [RAiD]
Number of posts : 329
City : Perth. Australia
Occupation : Student
Hobbies : hanging out with friends, sport, being the most random person
Registration date : 2009-01-28
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
54 and 75 please
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
Brandon Van- Level 10
Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 100
City : Arlington
Occupation : Student
Hobbies : Sports and eradicating red dots :)
Registration date : 2009-04-18
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
*rolls a die hundred twice* They are lucky 60 and 53
*Collected via Logan - Kiera*
*Collected via Logan - Kiera*
artfuldodger2k6- Level 2
- Guild : Nubz
Number of posts : 22
City : Flint
Occupation : Author and Time Traveler
Hobbies : Bending the laws of Physics
Registration date : 2009-09-18
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
24 and 28 Thank you :-)
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
Divina Lydia- Level 15
Guild : [RAiD]
Number of posts : 151
Registration date : 2009-08-04
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
Heya, I'll take 11 and 29.
*Collected from a friend who doesnt want to see Passifis miss out - Kiera*
*Collected from a friend who doesnt want to see Passifis miss out - Kiera*
passifis- Level 33
Number of posts : 334
City : Weir
Occupation : Student, Babysitter, Volunteer Firefighter
Hobbies : Guild Wars, Computer Programming, Gaming, Music
Registration date : 2009-02-17
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
Hiyas, I'll take 39 and 77
*Collected via Logan -- Kiera*
*Collected via Logan -- Kiera*
Aryen Illusion- Level 0
Guild : Nubz
Number of posts : 2
City : Seattle, Wa
Registration date : 2009-06-27
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
33 and 65 plz
ign Jinx
*Collected from a friend who doesn't want him to miss out! - Kiera*
ign Jinx
*Collected from a friend who doesn't want him to miss out! - Kiera*
JonnyIrish- Level 2
Guild : [iE]
Number of posts : 22
City : The U.P. of Michigan
Occupation : engraver in a label printing shop
Hobbies : guild wars, movies, books
Registration date : 2009-02-02
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
20 and 45 please
-Nix Shadowstalker-
*Collected - Kiera*
-Nix Shadowstalker-
*Collected - Kiera*
Nix Shadowstalker- Level 2
Guild : RAiD
Number of posts : 21
City : Below You
Occupation : Student, Doh! ;p
Hobbies : Playing of course. Hmmm, other things I enjoy is web surfing, reading, studying, and singing. I got no sports, so I am actually ALWAYS bored...
Registration date : 2009-03-04
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
56 and 73
Psion Of The Night [RAiD]
*Collected - Kiera*
Psion Of The Night [RAiD]
*Collected - Kiera*
Spell- Level 75
Guild : Rage Aganist The Demons [RAiD]
Number of posts : 774
City : Sacramento, CA
Occupation : I eat dinosaurs.
Hobbies : Being as immature as possible.
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
could I have 26 and 73 please!
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
Amer- Level 50
Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 537
Occupation : Interpreter
Hobbies : GW, Music, LOST, Killer Bunnies, My Family
Registration date : 2008-08-16
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
aaaaaah kiera get on some normal times i wanna donate some stuff and buy my numbers. ur nvr on my normal times...
Force of the divine- Light
Guild : Illuminati Elite
Number of posts : 1495
City : Delft
Occupation : Drinker of Beer
Hobbies : Hockey (field), GW, drinking beer
Registration date : 2009-02-27
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
68 and 99 plz and i'll catch ya in-game
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
Qordis- Level 8
Number of posts : 80
City : NY, USA
Occupation : Occupational Therapist
Hobbies : GW!
Registration date : 2007-04-12
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
7 and 47 for me. I'll catch you in game. =3
*Collected for one and the other was free for Kitty being the winner in Mighty's Grab Bag - Kiera*
*Collected for one and the other was free for Kitty being the winner in Mighty's Grab Bag - Kiera*
PhoenixSummer- Level 2
Guild : Dark Phoenixs of Wonder
Number of posts : 20
City : California, Fresno.
Hobbies : Animes, Writing, Drawing, Games.
Registration date : 2009-07-26
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
Wooo lotto! I'll take 80 and 15 please.
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
Great Descent- Level 15
Guild : Army Of Lightness [AoL]
Number of posts : 150
City : Leyland
Occupation : Graphic Design Student and Vocalist.
Hobbies : Games, Music, Band, Graphics.
Registration date : 2009-08-23
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
ill take 17 and 59
Lady Kagomi- IE
*Collected - Kiera*
Lady Kagomi- IE
*Collected - Kiera*
lady kagomi- Level 0
- Guild : illumanti elite
Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2009-10-04
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
19,87 plz
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
Revenge of Divinity- Level 23
Guild : Army of Lightness
Number of posts : 232
City : Tulsa, OK USA
Occupation : Programmer
Hobbies : reading,biking,guild wars
Registration date : 2007-05-23
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
Kiera i would like the #'s 14 and 36 and Derv would like 16 and 52
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
AnnaTellya- Level 7
Number of posts : 77
City : Knoxville
Registration date : 2008-07-08
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
Kiera, you forgot to post up the cut-off date. I say this because I would like to know the day and time you will no longer be accepting number orders...
Mint(sc)- Level 60
Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 629
City : Plantersville, TX
Hobbies : Most anything to do with Dinosaurs. :)
Registration date : 2008-05-19
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
I'll take 1 and 100
*Collected - Kiera*
*Collected - Kiera*
Logan- Light
Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 1021
Registration date : 2009-03-16
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
Please let me have 71 and 91
*Collected via Logan - Kiera*
*Collected via Logan - Kiera*
danyp1- Level 3
Guild : Nubz
Number of posts : 34
City : Richmond Virginia
Occupation : Retired network analyst
Hobbies : Gardening, computers
Registration date : 2009-10-13
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
aaaaaah stress kiera u havent changed my posted to collected.....
*grins* was checking to see if you were paying attention
*grins* was checking to see if you were paying attention
Force of the divine- Light
Guild : Illuminati Elite
Number of posts : 1495
City : Delft
Occupation : Drinker of Beer
Hobbies : Hockey (field), GW, drinking beer
Registration date : 2009-02-27
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
**Lotto Update**
As of this moment, our current Gold Jackpot (from both donations and paid numbers) stands at 170k!!
Minsc.... Lotto will close on Halloween at 5pm EST
Peoples who've not paid yet.... hit either me or Logan up! Lets change those pendings on the master-list to be paid!!
As of this moment, our current Gold Jackpot (from both donations and paid numbers) stands at 170k!!
Minsc.... Lotto will close on Halloween at 5pm EST
Peoples who've not paid yet.... hit either me or Logan up! Lets change those pendings on the master-list to be paid!!
Kiera- Divine Light
Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 3612
City : Northeast USA
Occupation : Pocket Monk
Hobbies : Chasing Dots
Registration date : 2008-07-22
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
41 and 40 plz
*Collected - Kiera*
Note: Bloodshot Bow
*Collected - Kiera*
Note: Bloodshot Bow
someawsomedude- Level 0
- Guild : Rage Aganist The Demons
Number of posts : 1
City : Cedar Park
Hobbies : baseball,skateing
Registration date : 2009-10-18
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
Laurie Istlar - 61 & 79
Aldair Shadowstep - 50 & 64
We are both in IE.
I hope its ok I post for him, as he doesn't have a forum account yet.
**Collected via Logan both payments - Kiera**
Aldair Shadowstep - 50 & 64
We are both in IE.
I hope its ok I post for him, as he doesn't have a forum account yet.
**Collected via Logan both payments - Kiera**
Laurie Istlar- Level 7
Guild : Iluminati Elite
Number of posts : 75
Registration date : 2009-10-18
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
Could I have 57 & 58 please and I have some bits to add to the pot when I see you in game.
**Collected - Kiera**
**Collected - Kiera**
Carseus- Level 11
Guild : IE
Number of posts : 110
City : London
Occupation : Abusing my lovely staff
Hobbies : Getting killed by my guildies!!
Registration date : 2009-02-01
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
55 and 63 FTW please
*Collected from a friend who doesn't want him to miss out! - Kiera*
*Collected from a friend who doesn't want him to miss out! - Kiera*
bmo92663- Level 0
Guild : Nubz
Number of posts : 9
City : Flint MI. USA-Armpit of America
Occupation : I am the real Zodiac
Hobbies : Rip Hack and Slash
Registration date : 2009-09-21
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
18 and 73 for me please
Collected by Minsc 10/26 (Kiera, get me in-game tonight and I'll hand it all over. He donated too. =D )
**Collected From Logan Who Collected From Minsc Who Collected From Mark B - Kiera**
**Edited... going with #2 & #36 instead per convo as 18 and 73 are full - Kiera
Collected by Minsc 10/26 (Kiera, get me in-game tonight and I'll hand it all over. He donated too. =D )
**Collected From Logan Who Collected From Minsc Who Collected From Mark B - Kiera**
**Edited... going with #2 & #36 instead per convo as 18 and 73 are full - Kiera
Mark B- Level 1
Guild : MCL
Number of posts : 11
City : Uhm Vlissingen, Reynosa and anywhere where my work brings me
Occupation : surviving the crisis :D
Hobbies : GW maybe ^^
Registration date : 2009-10-22
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
ATTENTION: If you have not paid for your pix yet (showing as pending on page 1 initial post), hit me up by Saturday (12/31) at 3pm EST please, otherwise your numbers will be erased.
Attention #2: Current Gold jackpot between donations and paid numbers is 240k!!! Remember this will be split 60-30-10 between 1st - 3rd and if more than 1 person on the number, they split 50-50.
Attention #3: If an empty number is rolled (no one's on it), the Gold for that spot will roll to the next Lotto per usual.
Attention #2: Current Gold jackpot between donations and paid numbers is 240k!!! Remember this will be split 60-30-10 between 1st - 3rd and if more than 1 person on the number, they split 50-50.
Attention #3: If an empty number is rolled (no one's on it), the Gold for that spot will roll to the next Lotto per usual.
Kiera- Divine Light
Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 3612
City : Northeast USA
Occupation : Pocket Monk
Hobbies : Chasing Dots
Registration date : 2008-07-22
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
81 and 99 please. ^_^
Sensai Mikoshati -> MCL.
I have some donations too. ^^
*Collected - Kiera*
81 and 99 please. ^_^
Sensai Mikoshati -> MCL.
I have some donations too. ^^
*Collected - Kiera*
Katietron- Level 0
- Guild : Mori Celestiae Luna
Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2009-10-29
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
congratz to the winners
Jidahlo Stormarrow- Level 35
Guild : RAiD
Number of posts : 354
City : Chi-town
Occupation : P...P...Par...Part...Partay?...Partay...PARTAAAAY!
Hobbies : Soccer, School, GW, clubs, Cooking
Registration date : 2009-04-05
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
*stomps and whistles*
OK!!! Final Total was 274,593 for Gold!!
Here's the low-down on our Winners for this Lotto:
Rolling a 89 for 3rd place was Twinnie of DPW!! Congrats Dark Reigns of AoL and Belth of Zerg from RAiD who are splitting 27,459 (both plz contact me)
Rolling a 71 for 2nd place was Logan of Nubz!! Congrats Dan of Nubz who got 82,377(contact me)
And Rolling a 62 for 1st place was Bane of AoL!! Congrats Womby! collected his HUGE jackpot of 164,755
*these are not including the items lol as too many to list.
SO!! Dark Reigns, Belth, and Dan... whisp me here on forum or in-game so I can turn your loot over to you! As always my deepest appreciation to everyone for their participation because once again we've had a successful Lottery!
OK!!! Final Total was 274,593 for Gold!!
Here's the low-down on our Winners for this Lotto:
Rolling a 89 for 3rd place was Twinnie of DPW!! Congrats Dark Reigns of AoL and Belth of Zerg from RAiD who are splitting 27,459 (both plz contact me)
Rolling a 71 for 2nd place was Logan of Nubz!! Congrats Dan of Nubz who got 82,377(contact me)
And Rolling a 62 for 1st place was Bane of AoL!! Congrats Womby! collected his HUGE jackpot of 164,755
*these are not including the items lol as too many to list.
SO!! Dark Reigns, Belth, and Dan... whisp me here on forum or in-game so I can turn your loot over to you! As always my deepest appreciation to everyone for their participation because once again we've had a successful Lottery!
Kiera- Divine Light
Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 3612
City : Northeast USA
Occupation : Pocket Monk
Hobbies : Chasing Dots
Registration date : 2008-07-22
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
Thx for organizing the lotery and congrats to the winners
Mark B- Level 1
Guild : MCL
Number of posts : 11
City : Uhm Vlissingen, Reynosa and anywhere where my work brings me
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Registration date : 2009-10-22
Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
Crikey!!! Didn't Womby win first place on the August Lotto??
pendragon- Level 50
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Re: Trick or Treat it's Alliance Halloween Lottery!
yup yupppp Womby is that darn lucky!! (have him pick your numbers for the Holiday Lotto people, he's on a roll!!)
Kiera- Divine Light
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Number of posts : 3612
City : Northeast USA
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Registration date : 2008-07-22
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