Farewell Dhuum
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Farewell Dhuum
So a bunch of us decided to do a full UW this afternoon in between the bunnayyyy events! Between much laughing and swearing, we got to the final point of no return O.o We had to pause for catching our collective breathes, stretch, pose, and then run in!
Numerous Rez Scrolls later since most of us died quite awesome well if I do say so, we boxed up the infamous Dhuum for your viewing pleasure!
and then ran like biotches to the end chest, pausing long enough to pose for one more picture before passing out after having spent over 3hrs in there!
Many Thanks Jemby, Descent, Dayle, Rune, Cagey, Seamon, and Joshua for today's grand adventure!
Numerous Rez Scrolls later since most of us died quite awesome well if I do say so, we boxed up the infamous Dhuum for your viewing pleasure!
and then ran like biotches to the end chest, pausing long enough to pose for one more picture before passing out after having spent over 3hrs in there!
Many Thanks Jemby, Descent, Dayle, Rune, Cagey, Seamon, and Joshua for today's grand adventure!
Kiera- Divine Light
Guild : AoL
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Registration date : 2008-07-22
Re: Farewell Dhuum
You did UW instead of watch the Superbowl?
But really nice job and good pics. I can not ever get him to sit properly on the pedestal because the of the rit spirits.
But really nice job and good pics. I can not ever get him to sit properly on the pedestal because the of the rit spirits.
Lucci_Slevin- Level 60
Guild : Liars Cheats and Thieves
Number of posts : 624
Registration date : 2010-08-20
Re: Farewell Dhuum
no some of us had the game on also
seamonster- Level 21
Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 218
Registration date : 2010-01-28
Re: Farewell Dhuum
I didnt die *basks in glory* :3
But it was hell!, Good job guys )
But it was hell!, Good job guys )
Great Descent- Level 15
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Registration date : 2009-08-23
Re: Farewell Dhuum
good job/grats. were you guys in hard mode?
panzer- Level 3
Guild : Liars Cheats and Thieves [Liar]
Number of posts : 36
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Registration date : 2010-08-21
Re: Farewell Dhuum
i dont think i have ever swore so much ever in guild wars! Awesome run though
daylecampbell- Level 55
Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 564
City : Plymouth UK
Occupation : Student
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Registration date : 2010-10-29
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