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Where does your name come from?

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Where does your name come from? Empty Where does your name come from?

Post by Finnguala Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:26 pm

Simple as that really, what is the name of your character(s) derived or taken from? (maybe your own head, say how, or if it was a random name)

Archy Girl - My 11 year old self got the word "Archer" in his head and linked that to seeing the Ranger when he first bought Guild Wars, therefore naming his character "Archy Girl" and feeling proud and astonished that nobody else had already taken that name.

Finnguala - This is the real juice and pride I take with having this name.

In Irish mythology, Finnguala (modern spellings: Fionnghuala or Fionnuala; from fionn ghualainn meaning "fair-shouldered") was the daughter of Lir of the Tuatha Dé Danann. In the legend of the Children of Lir, she was changed into a swan and cursed by her stepmother, Aoife, to wander the lakes and rivers of Ireland, with her brothers Fiachra, Conn and Aodh, for 900 years until saved by the marriage of Lairgren, son of Colman, son of Cobthach, and Deoch, daughter of Finghin, which union broke the curse. 'The Song of Fionnuala', with lyrics by Thomas Moore speaks of her wanderings.


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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Fourteen Healer Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:03 pm

When I first got Guild Wars, I didn't have much time to think of good names. I wanted one character for bows, one for healing, one for melee fighting, and one for magic. "One For" sounded bad as a name, and 14 wasn't possible because numbers weren't allowed, so I spelled it "Fourteen" instead.

I stuck to that name for all of my characters past that point because I did change to a different themed name for some characters once I bought Factions, but no one recognized me.

As for parts of the potential names of my Guild Wars 2 characters:

Dominic is what my parents would have named me if they'd had a son instead. I usually take it when I'm playing a male character, since there isn't a masculine variation of Sara.

Silica, Fortnight, Quartz, Valentine, and Sonnet continue the Fourteen theme. Fortnights are 2 weeks long, and sonnets are 14-line poems. Silica (therefore quartz, fulgurite, glass, etc) works because of it's atomic number. Valentine is from Valentine's Day. Xiv is roman numerals, and catorce is Spanish.

Ichneumon is Greek for tracker. In mythology, it is said to be the enemy of Dragons, snakes, and reptiles. It is also the name of my favorite animal: a type of parasitic wasp which lays its eggs in caterpillars and eats them from the inside out while they are still alive. The adult's colorings are combinations of red, yellow, and black; my favorite colors for armor.
Fourteen Healer
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by James Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:45 pm

Mizune Midori is just blue waters in Japanese. Nothing too special. Kind of a tribute to Nadia of the Blue Waters anime from the 90s if anyone can still remember that.
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by The Beau Brothers Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:42 am

I can't honestly say exactly how I came up with my first name. Guild Wars was my first ever MMORPG. I knew I wanted to create a fire mage. Blazing seemed appropriate, I guess, and I've always been a fan of alliteration, so Beau seemed to flow naturally next. For my next incarnations, I decided to keep Beau as a family name and keep true to the alliteration. So, I would try to find the names of Gods, spirits or just other adjectives that begin with "B". I've stuck to that naming scheme ever since. Blazing Beau is always my primary character name in any game I play now, when I have a choice
The Beau Brothers
The Beau Brothers
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Kiera Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:03 am

chat name and when I came to gw carried it over so that all my toons begin with Kiera and have the AoL tag Smile
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Elbryan Strongheart Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:36 am

All of my oldest toons (prolly 7 or so) are from various sci fi books I've read (Elbryan.Wulfgar, Anton & Kylar) (have a full 7' tall bookcase stacked 3 deep & 2 storage boxes)All of my newer toons are either just make ya chuckle names (Kaptain Kommando,Oliver Kloseoff)or are Italian names (Cuore Di Un Santo,Bella Superstite).
Elbryan Strongheart
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Draco Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:27 am

Lets see for me Draco Spiritsage and Guardian Iron Fenix are original from my head. Tho the spelling for fenix is from final fantasy 3 on SNES (oldschool).

Hawkeye Goldmoon my ranger Hawkeye is from 2 places 1 being MASH and the other the Fire Emblem game on the GBA. Goldmoon is a name from the Dragonlance series of books.

Ritz The Feyblade my sin is from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, a female character named Ritz in the game who has all pink clothes and pink hair, hence why my sin does too. Feyblade is just sort of named after a sword from that game too.

The Archsage Athos is from the same Fire Emblem game as Hawkeye. I wanted a cool powerful sounding eley name.

Last but not least is Little White Moogle is of course from Final Fantasy. LOL I love the reception i get on that toon. Makes playing her fun. Thats all my toons thus far, soon after my monk is LDoA i'll be working a necro in pre Smile
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Zero Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:57 pm

draco, should have just kept your necro -.-

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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by ADS Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:01 pm

Alexis Dragonstorm: Alexis is what i want my real name to be because when people think Alex, they think of a guy. I love dragons and Dragonstorm just seemed to roll well off the tongue. It is also what the MC guild calls their GWAMM characters, however I never made it that far.

Chocolate Chip Girl: I love cookies and when I was little I wanted to be a girl scout... kinda self explanatory there.

Dhummed Deciple: I don't like school and, frankly, it dont like me either. Not to mention I spelled Deciple wrong and I still have no idea how to spell it.

Hex The Keeper: I use her as a storage character, hence the 'Keeper'. Hex is a name I've always admired because it was always given to the evilest of bad guys. And, since she's a mesmer, I thought it went hand in hand.

Mikoto Tenma: In Japanese, Mikoto Tenma roughly translates to Demon Lord. Mikoto is a necromancer so, once again, it goes hand in hand.

Minis Of Disaster: This is the toon I store all my minis on. No idea where the 'Disaster' part came from though. I think I was just having a bad day or something.

Mizu Seirei: Roughly translated, Mizu Seirei means Water Spirit (once again in Japanese). She is an elementalist and (again...) name meets profession.

Nadine Dragonstorm: Last but not least, this was my second attempt at a GWAMM character, Dragonstorm being the MC namesake for said characters. Nadine, however, is my middle name, and it has some back story. Nadine originates from the word Nadezhda, the Russian word for 'Hope'. So, this was my last Hope for a GWAMM toon.
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Unholy Plasma Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:42 am

Well, my name, Unholy Plasma obviously came from the fact that I sucked at making names 4-5 years ago.

It didn't stop at just GW,

I moved onto using Thórus and Thórustéél (yes, with all those accents)

Eventaully deciding on changing that name to something better and easier to use, it was Rync (but people called me Rince), so It then at last became Rynk.

Unholy Plasma
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Mint(sc) Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:19 pm

Oh wow...Okay! When I first started off, I only had Prophecies. And my Warrior was the first one I made.

I am a HUGE Fan of Baldur's Gate II for the PC. =D Minsc is a Ranger character from that game. And one of his lines that is actually voiced from the beggining of that game is something along the lines of seeing the bars (he's imprisioned in a cage with no door) 'bend and twist with my berserker strength'. And thus was born Berserker Minsc.

I have no idea which of the others I made in what order, so I'll just go over them one by one in no particular order. lol.

I liked the sound of Jerrod for a necromancer. It just...I dunno...sounds sinister to me. >_> And, going along with that, I came up with Bloodcurdle. Thus, Jerrod Bloodcurdle. =D

When I made my Ele, we had just gotten back from a vacation to visit family in South Carolina, and we had to go to the airport in Raleigh-Durham to get my aunt who flew up too. So that is where Raleigh came from. Also, I knew I would be using mainly cold and fire spells, because I've never been much for lightning or wind or earth or all that, so I named her Raleigh Coldfire. heh.

And the Mesmer name is pretty self-explanatory. lol. Mesmers are dealing with magics of the mind, and I always thought Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter was an annoying little bastard. XD But Slytheryn is a sly and nefarious house. I thought it went along well with the Mesmer image. I chose Malfoy because that was the main Slytheryn family in the series. I always thought Malfoy Slitheryn was an appropriate name, myself. XD

For my Monk, I decided to pay homage to my favorite wondering Monk from television, and so I went with (what I discovered is horribly misspelled) Quai Ching Kain, which was David Carradine's character from Kung Fu: The Legend Continues. heh.

The Ranger was actually the LAST character I made AFTER I got both factions and Nightfall. Her name comes from the Dragonlance Series, daughter of the Qualinesti Speaker of the Sun, Laurannalanthalasa Kinnan. However, Laurannalanthalasa would not fit, so I had to use the shortened version of her name from the books. Lauranna Kinnan.

Nightfall was the 2nd part of the game I got, and I decided to make a Dervish first. For whatever reason, I wanted to stick to the african theme they established for Elona, and so I was wracking my brain to come up with a name that both sounded deadly and could pass for african. My mind drifted for a good long time before I settled on Valeera...the name made me think of voodoo and, while voodoo isn't technically African, I associate it with black woman. My mind is weird that way. Smile So I wanted a deadly name for the surname as well. And Nightshade is a very potent natural poison. I thought Valeera Nightshade was a perfect fit.

And when it came time to naming a Survivor Character, I kept hearing everyone say how easy it was supposed to be to do with a Paragon, so I decided to use it! Still haven't gotten my Survivor title either! >.< And when naming him, my mind just went completely racist here and Zamunda Nadjibe just popped into my head. Very African-sounding name, I thought, so I went with it!

I got Eye of the North and Factions together, so I excitedly dove into the Assassin profession with my favorite assassin character I made in Baldur's Gate II. He was a half-orc guy named Ignatius Hollowhands.

For the ritualist, I wanted something that sounded fitting for the profession. I knew they toiled with spirits, so I wanted soul in there somewhere. For some reason, I was associating rits with evil people, and I thought of Calysto from Xena: Warrior Princess. XD I thought it was such a fitting name for a character of that type, and so I took it! And then I realized that a ritualist was essentially binding souls to do her bidding, and that gave birth to Calysto Soulbinder.

And there you have it! That is the complete history of how I named all 10 of my characters. Smile
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by neoteo Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:28 am

believe it or not, i created this name before the matrix movie came out , i didnt even have internet at home ... when i first starting philosophizing at the age of 16 or so ... i came with this idea that god was our own ego ... and for that i created this term , ego neo theo .. witch means , ego new god in latin or grek ... eventually the ego was removed to make a smaller name , been using this nick name online since i first started posting in forums and using irc chat ...

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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Mighty Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:54 pm

I choose the WONDEROUS name of MIGHTY!

I absolutely love my name because it absolutely sums me up with a short and simple word "Mighty"

It's just a dorky and wacky word, it has a little bit of narcissism and vanity to it, as well as a since of innocence- honesty- impishness and nobility.

It's a type of a word that you immediately associate with grand claims of power, a power that you can't at first take to seriously.

Its a little over the top but its simple and down to earth!

Just saying the word now "Mighty" makes me grin even still because it reminds me of my in game reminds me of surprise spawns, horrible misfortunes turned into funny adventures and pre-mediated vanquishing sabotage.

Its just a word that holds a lot of personality


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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Solara Sea Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:19 am

I found this website / random name generator. I thought, himmm, female odd... I wonder what will show up. When "Busty Muscles" appeared, I was forced to create a female war.

Anyway, this website is sure to provide anyone some good ideas for serious or not so serious names.


Solara Sea
Solara Sea
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by ADS Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:23 am

I found this website / random name generator. I thought, himmm, female odd... I wonder what will show up. When "Busty Muscles" appeared, I was forced to create a female war.

Anyway, this website is sure to provide anyone some good ideas for serious or not so serious names.

This will be great for creating names for my random characters i draw cheers thx!
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Vmaster Fri May 15, 2015 12:57 am

Vmaster enters the room, picks a card from the deck and places it onto the table in front of him.

Where does your name come from? XXDc9qP

I got my nickname from when I was in the military.

My last name is Vaughn and in the military, you are called by your last name only.

The name evolved from Vaughn to Vaughnster to the Vaughn-Master to VMaster. The Battalion Commander even referred to me as Vmaster. Good guy.

Last edited by Vmaster on Fri May 15, 2015 1:00 am; edited 1 time in total
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Dragnix Pheodron Fri May 15, 2015 1:00 am

I got my name Dragnix Pheodron pronounced.. Drag - Nicks Feo - dron

This is a play on Dragon and Pheonix :-D nice and easy
Dragnix Pheodron
Dragnix Pheodron
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Zero Fri May 15, 2015 1:41 am

Nice been pronouncing it correct Smile

Also forgot about this thread.. My posts is lame. Long story short I stole my name from my brother who still bugs me about it 7 years later lol

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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by spectrik Fri May 15, 2015 5:21 pm

My name goes back way back when, but even way back when I had a different name so lets go to the Evolution of Spec story.

So if you wanna know my name you have to know where it started. I started playing videogames initially in 3rd grade, and I never had anything serious (mostly just top-scoring in Arcade Games because I tryhard) and so I always signed GR31.

Later maybe in 5th or 6th grade I discovered Steam and started playing games for fun rather than just topscoring. So I went through atleast a dozen or so names (not even gonna list them because they were so bad) and eventually came up with the name Spectrick.

Then in about 8th grade I dropped the "c" to Spectrik, and later on to Spectrk. Furthermore it shortened to Spectr01, and then to just Spec. Then I met you guys and one of you (Maybe Corn I forget who exactly) told me that "Spek" means bacon in Dutch.

So from that point forward I was Spec (not bacon). Very Happy

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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Pseudonym Mon Jun 01, 2015 12:57 pm

Going to necro this thread again a little since I find it interesting how people come up with names. It can have significance to so many although mine is very plain.

My first MMORPG character name was Daeandor, a Ranger in EQ1 back in 2000. Not so interesting, I couldn't think of anything, so I used a random name generator that existed in game at the time. That name has stuck with all my Ranger / hunter type characters ever since, over 15 years. Quickly after that I started using Pseudonym as my name as originally, in 2000 it seemed very interesting. 15 years later, it seems less interesting and very common, but I've kept it regardless.
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Inuyashapup Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:23 pm

LOL I started out on Runescape and was 13? or 14 at the time- I was discovering anime and while Inuyasha wasn't my first anime ever watched it was one of my firsts- and started me on my anime loving future as a weeaboo (kinda) LOL but, at the time I wanted to be cute and put 'Inuyashapuppy' but it wouldn't fit- So I improvised and stuck with 'Inuyashapup' I'm not good at making toon names in general and after while I wasn't known by anything else other than Inu or Puppy c: So it just stuck! And here I am today hahah <3
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Nemac Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:08 pm

These stories are cool. Smile

I didn't come up with mine alone. I was trying to come up with a short, sweet name back in grade 6 and was struggling to find something that stuck. I have a long list of names I've used in the past.

Arvyn - god of the hunt from an obscure, long dead religion
Zuh- my name translated to the al bhed language from ff10
Spaz- childhood nickname that I used as a tag in Jedi academy.

The list goes on. Finally, my best friend at the time told me to think of two of my favourite video game characters. Easy enough. Ermac(mortal kombat) and necrid(soul calibur)

I swear to god he looked at me for half a second and said "I Herby dub thee, nemac!" And it stuck. I've been using it for everything since then.
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Pseudonym Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:07 pm

Cool nemac!

And yay INU, I now know the background! Smile
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Captain_Rilen Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:26 pm

Considering I only have two characters thus far I don't have too much to add. I'm one of those weird people who tends to use their actual name when creating their characters. So my main at the moment is just called Kirk Rilen, my first and second name. My dad is a huge star trek fan and I'm guessing that's why it's my name.  My second character (a guardian) is called Captain Rilen. I guess the captain part comes from people calling me captain IRL just because of Captain Kirk from Star Trek. I did think about calling myself Captain Kirk as I am quite the fan myself (watched it with my dad as a kid) but I thought it was a bit too common so I just called myself Captain Rilen. The name is a bit more unique and it still relates to both me and star trek.

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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Dragnix Pheodron Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:00 pm

That is awesome Kirk! we always find it very interesting when we find out little tid bits like this! thanks for sharing :-D
Dragnix Pheodron
Dragnix Pheodron
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Sungila Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:05 pm

I've been Sungila for close to ten years now. Sungila was my first character in my first MMO (WoW--what else?). She was a Tauren druid, and Blizzard borrowed heavily from the language and culture of the Native American tribes of the Great Plains in the process of creating and defining the Tauren. I was looking for a Lakota word to name my character. My first choice was Dragon, because... well, yeah. Smile But I couldn't find the Lakota word for dragon. Next choice was Ferret, since I had three pet ferrets at the time (one of whom used to come to class with me, on a leash, and sleep in my lap), but I couldn't find that word either. So I settled on Sungila, which is the Lakota word for Fox. I can only guess at the actual pronunciation.

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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by worf warrior Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:03 pm

Worf Warrior "Worf" is from startrek

tech ranger is just coz I am a tech and char is a ranger Smile
worf warrior
worf warrior
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Yuri Mortenzen Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:04 am

It's funny I though I had shared already...

Well, I've had a few game names... I did not started out on MMO so they weren't too elaborate at first because the arcades I played on when I was kid only allowed for 3 letter names.... So the first one I can remember was AXL because I was listening to a lot of Guns'n'Roses at the time (Axel Rose was the lead singer).
Then I decided I didn't like Guns'n'Roses that much anymore so I changed my trigram to KLR... I can't remember why.
After I got my first PC and internet came around I started using the name Virgule which means coma in French (as in punctuation). The reason was because it's the shape of my dick and I found it was funny to use that... It stuck for a while...
Then I started playing GW1 (it was my first MMO because I was too cheap to play WoW) and I had to find an elaborate name. My first ever character was a Necromacer and I named him Zuul Archnot... Zuul was the name of one of those dogs from hell in the movie Ghostbusters and Archnot was the name of some random guy in the Fifth Element. It was rolling out the tongue pretty well.
Later on, I created a second character (my warrior) and named him Yuri Mortenzen... I chose Yuri because I wanted it to sound Russian and Mortenzen because it was the name of a cool double bladed axe in a heroic fantasy show I was following online...
There you go, that's how I got my name Smile
Yuri Mortenzen
Yuri Mortenzen

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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Dragnix Pheodron Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:00 am

haha I loved reading these! I kinda feel bad that I never put much effort into my name creation LOL
Dragnix Pheodron
Dragnix Pheodron
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Zantaric Tue Jul 07, 2015 4:00 am

My character's names are not actually that clever:

Zane Algorath - Not really sure where my motivation for this name came from. I chose Zane for a friend who was a big influence on my earlier life and Algorath was something I just thought of one day.

Lady Tenebris - She is a lady and Tenebris is latin for "the dark".

Zero Algorath - In my D&D days, Zero was the son of Zane and my fall back character when Zane died.

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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Fearmy Thu Jul 09, 2015 3:37 pm

The earliest character name I can remember is when I played Runescape and went by the name Buckeye17. The Buckeye was my idea and I chose it because it was fun while the 17 was because someone already had Buckeye >.>

Then shortly before I started GW1 I started playing Maplestory I had two names originally. Lightwing910 and Darkwing910 which I had inherited from my friend after he stopped playing.

Now I get to GW1. About eight years ago when I started playing I believe I created a ranger named Quickpaw after my cat and within a few hour had joined AOL... after some embarrassing things like mistaking the trail code for the actual code and... -facepalm- tried inviting Vogo to a guild I had created before getting a reply back to join his guild AOL.

Then after a series of names such as Kyriako and Charlie which are two versions of my first name. During this time I made my first female toon named Fearmy Girl Scythe. Fearmy was either a typo or because I couldn't fit Fear my Girl Scythe into the name section. After that toon became my favorite all my future character became Fearmy Girl -name- if they were PvE and Fear my Girl -name- if PvP.

Now getting into Guild Wars 2 with Fearmy as the name I identified as and wanting to help Guild Wars 1 friends identify me while being more gender neutral in the name I went by Fearmy -name- instead of Fearmy Girl -name-

The -name- part of Fearmy -name- was always what the character was like a Ranger would be Fearmy Bow or Beast. Or as my main in GW2 is an engineer I call her Fearmy Mech.

For a time on steam I went by Fantasy Warrior on steam for 5 or 6 years since I liked playing Fantasy games and because Warrior just made it sound cooler. Now after joining the AOL steam group I changed my name to Fearmy Games.

That is the history of all the names I remember... sheesh this seem long winded along with poor grammar. Sorry!! Here's a cat GIF in payment for you reading.

Where does your name come from? 160_display_cat_gifs

Last edited by Fearmy on Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:34 am; edited 1 time in total
Level 9

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Hobbies : Board games, Card games, Video games, reading, cooking, watching tv/anime/movies, and being as lazy as possible
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by DrGlamm Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:24 pm

Maxie comes from a roleplaying game I played way way way back in time, called Runequest. Think ancient Greek style land invaded by and conquered by a Roman style Lunar goddess worshippers. I played a Lunar Noble and wanted an appropriate sounding name and came up with Maximonious. (MAX - ee - MOE - knee - us).

Kinda like the name and it followed me to WOW* and various other MMOs since. And the name Maxi is the name a lot of my long term gaming friends call me so Maxi has found a place in most of my games now.
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Post by klerik Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:14 am

Back when i started playing vanilla WoW i had just watched the movie Equilibruim (starring young Christian Bale as cleric first class John Preston) and was a little obsessed. After years of playing Klerik became my default name.
I came up with Flexordigitorum as a warrior name on the spot cause its the only muscle a keyboard warrior uses. Only useful thing i remember from High School P.E.

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Post by Gruntuz Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:39 am

"Grunt" has been my alter ego since before the age of the original D&D ... so we are talking circa 1976 (how's THAT for dating myself?). I had just read Robert Heinlein's "Starship Troopers" - PLEASE do not watch the movie, it sucks - and in it he described a "grunt" as the "Sleepy eyed killers in the back row" (fun fact: that's where my personal guild name [GRNT] came from). Loyal, hardworking, and not afraid to get dirty (or bloody for that matter).

"Grunt" worked for ye olde games like Ulitma I-IX but morphed into "Gruntus Maximus of the 12th Roman Legion" when Diablo (1995ish?) rolled around since some bastid decided to take "grunt" for no good reason. Suffice to say, that was a bit long and it shortened to "Gruntuz" somewhere around the time of Mechwarrior II when BabyGrunt was born and I have not strayed from that theme since.

Creating amusing names like "Grunt Force Trama", "Gruntal Lobotomy", and "Grunt of the Litter" has been a lot of fun - but if anyone has a good suggestion please let me know. I try to start the names with "grunt" now for name recognition - people don't always catch the end of the name (i.e. SapperGrunt, NecroGrunt, NukeGrunt, etc.)
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Mrs Tech Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:53 am

Well Gw1 has a Mrs Tech so i thought GW2 should have one too, Gw1 names were lets see i had a ranger Wild n Sassy, a warrior Ala ana, also had a monk yes i did lol called Alluring Filly, Assassin Sassy Assas In, Mesmer was called Sultry Sassy, Dervish was Blue Sassy, Ritualist was named Lt Tasha Yar, and i have a warrior still in pre and she is called Hot Stuff Tshhhhhh.
Mrs Tech
Mrs Tech
Level 17

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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Fearmy Sat Jul 25, 2015 8:35 pm

Tasha Yar hmm... I see the Star Trek Next Generation reference.
Level 9

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Hobbies : Board games, Card games, Video games, reading, cooking, watching tv/anime/movies, and being as lazy as possible
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Steely888 Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:39 pm

Rather basic for mine compared to others.

Lileafa (Sylvari) - A joining of little and leaf, add an 'a' on the end, a little bit of the good ol' sparkle, and hey presto! Character created
Level 2

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Post by CosmicPanda Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:10 am

I came up With Cosmic Panda From when i was looking at the night sky i seen a cloud on the moon and it looked like a panda
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Post by Daxidol Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:00 pm

I watch a lot of science fiction, my favorite being Star Trek. There's a character in it called Dax, a friend (whose English hasn't improved much) called me "Dax idol" and it stuck. Funnily enough more people call me "Dax" now then call me by my actual name, even in the real life adventure game.

worf warrior wrote:Worf Warrior  "Worf" is from startrek


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Post by Sungila Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:46 am

Word and Fax, together again in the same guild? Guess they did both make it to Sto Vo Kor!

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Post by Oldmate Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:22 am

When I transitioned from LordChuckles to a new name I was jumping around and trying a few out. The games I had been played at the time, WoW and DotA2 i had both been playing for over 9 years and as such "Oldmate" came into being.

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Post by Rokun Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:45 pm

Zero wrote:Nice been pronouncing it correct Smile

Also forgot about this thread.. My posts is lame. Long story short I stole my name from my brother who still bugs me about it 7 years later lol

Is your brother's name Brandon by any chance?...

Oh and my name is usually some play on the word Lush (a nickname I inherited from drunken raiding).  Its typically my in game tag etc. but since I had 2 accounts (the older of which my son has taken over) my names were mostly already used.. (which he has since deleted most of them haha..) So I tried all sorts of different things with Rokun being my current name of my main. No special meaning unfortunately.

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Post by Nejianita Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:09 am

So I have a few character names to go through. So lets start with the so called family I have made in game. I took my first girlfriends middle name "Anita" and I wanted to make it sound like i was telling a story about her (a tale) so I came up with "Sweettale" but it looked weird to me so I changed it to "Sweettell." The reason why is cause I thought about it as I am playing still the story is being told so in a way I am still "telling" the story. So I have a few combinations of Anita Sweettell and Sweettell Anita. and so on and so forth. I then eventually added in "Neji" and those of you who watch anime or read mangas and know of Naruto then you may know the name and yes that is where I got it from. I like the character (pre-exam) and his fighting style. Now there are other Sweettell's in the family and their names come to me the same where that Asuran names come to me. Keep reading to find out how that is. And yes I am a troll like that to make you keep reading down to find out Razz

My other character sets I have are my Norn, Charr, and Asuran. All my Norn are either Neji or Anita + (Tattoo color)hide = Neji Redhide. As for my Charr I try to use my name then find a in-game character with a last name to steal from, I mean "borrow" from. Smile And my Asuran just have one of a kind names that I just pick by what I been playing and what I have around. example Rupee is came up because I had been playing Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and the money in the game is called rupies. And this is how I get some of my new Human names.

Sylvari are the only names that are just random or I did like the Anit or Neji name and added random matter to the end that sounded good.

Honest truth, I love coming up with names.
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Post by Mrs Tech Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:54 pm

My Name Originated from Gw1 Mrs because i'm a Mrs and Tech cos i'm married to Tech Ranger Cool flower flower
Mrs Tech
Mrs Tech
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Post by worf warrior Wed Sep 02, 2015 2:17 pm

I also have a char called Mr Tech Smile
worf warrior
worf warrior
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Where does your name come from? Empty Re: Where does your name come from?

Post by Mrs Tech Sat Oct 03, 2015 12:07 pm

maybe i should have a char called Mrs Worf hahahaha
Mrs Tech
Mrs Tech
Level 17

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