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End of an Era

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End of an Era Empty End of an Era

Post by Lady_Lala Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:26 am

I'm writing an article for GuildMag about all the bittersweet memories of leaving our beloved game behind. I figured the best way I could get people's perspectives was to ask you fine people Smile

What I want you all to do is give me a few short sentences stating what GW has meant to you and what it feels like to really be leaving all of this behind in just 7 days.

I'll pick a few and hopefully you'll see yours on GuildMag's site! Very Happy
Level 24

Guild : Beyond Other Ordinary Mortals [BOOM]
Number of posts : 248
Occupation : somewhere over the rainbow
Registration date : 2009-04-26

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End of an Era Empty Re: End of an Era

Post by supercric Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:05 am

I know I haven't played as much as some, almost about 2.5 years but too me it doesn't feel like i'm leaving Guild wars at all.. guild wars is my first proper MMO and have really enjoyed it but what made it truly fun is the friends i have made along the way and since GW2 is a continuation of an epic story line, its even more special that I will be moving on with my friends that I have made to this next phase. As a result im very excited to continue this story line and to conquer the upcoming adventures to come, whatever happens it promises to be an entertaining time ahead.

Level 0

Guild : Warlords of destruction (BOOM)
Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2012-03-12

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End of an Era Empty Re: End of an Era

Post by Captain Ozone Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:41 pm

My Guildwars memorys..... First off I was not one of the early players to experience this game. My son told me of it soon after its release. I am an old school gamer and was enjoying the Diablo and Quest For Glory series of games and never paid attention to the "new and exciting"MMOs. I wasn't till about 3 years ago a saw online a free trial offer to play this game called Guild Wars. I downloaded it and proceded to fumble my way around pre-searing getting lost at every turn but emercing my self with the character like never before.. I bought the Prophecies Campaign within 8 hours of my 48 hour free trial. The rest is history. I met a couple of other players and with them having a bit more experience at the game, took me under their wing. I can say that in the previous MMO type games I played I made a friend or two but it was short lived. Here in Guildwars I have made more friends than I could have imagined,the friendships are numerous and lasting, and its not just playing the game its kicking back with (character online) dancing away in the guildhall, chatting either through written or voice (via a speech server )to several people who you know by the oddest of names about anything and everything.. After a day in the real world we all call life its a welcome refraign to turn on the P.C. and begin moving your pixelated (alter self) about a beautifully designed world and removing the screen of those dreaded red dots... Long live Guildwars
Captain Ozone
Captain Ozone
Level 5

Guild : The Warlords Destruction
Number of posts : 53
City : Thousand Oaks
Occupation : Retail Clerk Recieving Mgr.
Hobbies : Video Games, Martail Arts, Golf
Registration date : 2010-01-29

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End of an Era Empty Re: End of an Era

Post by Zero Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:42 pm

Guild was was the first computer game and that brought me into the gaming world, i was a complete total noob untill i joined a guild allied to aol, skowly getting better at the game making friends and just loving the game, soon after the guild was disbanding so i was moved to aol, were i met most of my current friends, sight seeing in gw is still an activity i like, theres places i still dont have unlocked(maybe idk) but some sights in proph are something ill remember. Its the only game iv played that it still entertains me, unlike most most games. It will always have a place and wont be forgotten

Guild : Army Of Lightness [AoL]
Number of posts : 1553
City : Las Vegas
Occupation : RPSGT
Registration date : 2010-03-14

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End of an Era Empty Re: End of an Era

Post by Logan Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:42 pm

GW gave me a lot of great people to talk to and hang out with. Back when I bought it, I was still really introverted, but playing with a bunch of other people helped me open up a lot.

Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 1021
Registration date : 2009-03-16

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End of an Era Empty Re: End of an Era

Post by Naix Mccloud Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:30 pm

I dunno if Lala is still looking for testmonials ...

It was my first foray into the whole MMO thing, I liked it because you can buy the game and not have to pay a monthly fee.

When I first started, I was going through a rough patch in my life and it really took the edge off the hell I was living.

I have meet some good people in my journey, too numerous to count. But People at least in this alliance Like Kiera and Mel, I am glad to have meet.

But like all games we have our "friends" I have never hung out or have ever meet them people like Altmus and a few others it has made the experence more fun. I look forward to more adventures with them and you all in Guild wars 2
Naix Mccloud
Naix Mccloud
Level 27

Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 275
City : a burned out berg where the teams dont get lucky ..and neither do i
Occupation : Gw Gumshoe
Hobbies : photography, bad jokes , and baseball fan extraondinare
Registration date : 2010-01-07

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