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Idea for possible new guild event...

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Idea for possible new guild event... Empty Idea for possible new guild event...

Post by Cornucopia of Corn Mon Sep 15, 2014 11:59 am

I just had and idea for a new guild contest we could try out.
What if we set aside one day each week for what I like to call, "The night that literature became baseball." My idea would be that one day every week we have people submit the most ridiculous story they can think of and we vote on who the winner is.

The stories will have to be equal parts logic and equal parts potato, each story will need to have a basic plot. No you can't just right a story that only says,"potatoes" and yes you can write about anything you want. I mean ANYTHING, I'm looking at you Bumbli....

To sum it up, ridiculous story contest and have a basic plot with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Weave a rich tapestry of interesting characters interacting with the world and beyond. Will a hero arise to fight the Darkness or will the forces of evil crush all who stand in there way!?

So tell me what you think and if this would be cool to do. *hugs, hugs, and more hugs*

Edit: I was thinking of like a 1 gold entry fee or something and we just have a sit down in TS and have people read off their stories. This is so that people can put some emotion into it, it'll also be fun to try some "acting", and hopefully add a little something. An example would be when you read your story you have the inception horn go off in the background every once in awhile. For that DiCaprio brand of drama.

But on a more serious note. The idea is to create a story that is as random and entertaining as possible. Yes your story must follow a basic plot and no it cannot be a multi-part story. It would just be a story written on a whim like the example I showed above. Judges can be officers or high-ranking guildies, this makes it so I don't have to go through the process of picking out judges. Judges must also show enthusiasm and be attentive while a person is reading their story, you gotta give everyone a fair chance, and also have stories be at least a paragraph.

Some ground rules to establish:
You cannot write "Game of Thrones" or any other famous TV series. You can use them for inspiration but if I see Ned Stark make an appearance I'll have your head.
Once again your story must have a basic plot, but do not make it overly complex or have it be multiple parts. If you sit down and I hear, "Part 1 of a 10 part story," then unfortunately you're out.
A limit to story length should probably be around 2-3 pages, we're writing short stories here not books.
Finally be creative and have fun. You should never be bored by your own story so find a way to make it extra spicy.

Alright so I've posted two example stories, one is about Space Marines invading Rome and the other is how a man discovers he's actually Bill Murray. Note that I put these together in afternoon and didn't really proofread them. They're meant to just be demonstration pieces, but a couple things you'll notice about them: They have a general plot (Emphasis on the word general), they're not trying to be any famous TV shows, and they makes little to no sense.

Last edited by Cornucopia of Corn on Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:47 am; edited 3 times in total
Cornucopia of Corn
Cornucopia of Corn
Level 47

Guild : Army of Lightness
Number of posts : 474
City : Cincinnati
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Hobbies : Video Games. Friends. Basic Coding. Anime. Food. Taimi <3
Registration date : 2014-06-30

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Idea for possible new guild event... Empty Re: Idea for possible new guild event...

Post by Yuri Mortenzen Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:25 pm

That sounds like a full time job lol...
Yuri Mortenzen
Yuri Mortenzen

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Idea for possible new guild event... Empty Re: Idea for possible new guild event...

Post by Zero Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:58 pm

I got dis. Ill just start writing everything I say during school

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Idea for possible new guild event... Empty Re: Idea for possible new guild event...

Post by Cornucopia of Corn Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:21 pm

I was thinking more along the lines of short stories. Like: There once was a man name Donny who had a dream that was quite funny, he had eaten a cow and taken a plow but a farmer he was not. So Donny went to seek his dream, for he believed in fate. But what he found gave him a frown, for the hour was getting late. The men all around him laughed they told to farm was to die, but Donny had balls and let out a cry, "I will farm all day!" So he picked up his hoe and started to tend a field that was getting quite sparse. He need a cure and he needed one fast or his dream would surely not last. So Donny prayed up on high to those who eat rye, "Please give me good fortune." Seeing Donny's plot the Rye gods did pity a man with little to lose. So they gave him some beans and told him to plant them for they would surely do. Donny was skeptical but oh he craved for a life of ease and pleasure. He planted them down but forget to add ground somehow they would germinate. So in the morning he awoke to his house engulfed in plant like matter. He cried out in terror but it soon turned to laughter as he noticed a tomato the size of his house. Donny went to market to sell his great bounty, but could find no way to transport. So he asked his wife, a burly lass, to carry it all to the market. She was strong and fit, but no superman so she pulled as far as should could. Halfway there her back broke like a chair and she died upon the ground. Donny waited all morning and began to grow concerned, so packed up his things and headed down to Rings the town where the market would save him. He found his wife down the road and cried out in pain and sorrow. His wife had died, his bounty had failed, and the gods had cursed him true. So donny pulled his old pocket knife, and cursed those made of Rye. He cut up his throat and fed it to goats for his disposal was all but needed. That was the story of a man named Donny who had enough to get by, but he could accept the blessings he had so the gods cursed him to die. THE END
Cornucopia of Corn
Cornucopia of Corn
Level 47

Guild : Army of Lightness
Number of posts : 474
City : Cincinnati
Occupation : Junior Developer
Hobbies : Video Games. Friends. Basic Coding. Anime. Food. Taimi <3
Registration date : 2014-06-30

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Idea for possible new guild event... Empty Re: Idea for possible new guild event...

Post by Blank De Ratche Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:22 pm

I like the idea, is there an entry fee or prize? and who will judge? like a voting thing? either way I do think it would be fun and we could see the exciting messed up things our guildees think.
Blank De Ratche
Blank De Ratche

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Idea for possible new guild event... Empty Re: Idea for possible new guild event...

Post by The Beau Brothers Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:54 pm

If this gets off the ground it should happen in the category "The Tavern" down below. We had a lot of story tellers back in the day. It would be nice to see some new life in that thread. If that thread comes back to life, I will move it up here.

Make it so Very Happy
The Beau Brothers
The Beau Brothers
Divine Light

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Idea for possible new guild event... Empty Re: Idea for possible new guild event...

Post by The Beau Brothers Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:43 am

OK! I've moved this thread here! This is our ancient story telling forum. If this idea gets off the ground maybe this forum will come back to live. We had some great stories told here back in the day Very Happy
The Beau Brothers
The Beau Brothers
Divine Light

Guild : AOL
Number of posts : 2949
City : Morgan City, LA
Occupation : Student, Math Tutor
Hobbies : Gaming, Cooking, Bowling, Entertaining Friends
Registration date : 2007-09-19

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