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Perma Swiftness - JP Mesmer Build

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Perma Swiftness - JP Mesmer Build Empty Perma Swiftness - JP Mesmer Build

Post by Lex Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:10 am

Hey All,

I got my mesmer up to level 80 over a year ago, but she has been functioning mostly as a means for PvP Dailies and Bloodstone storage since then. I've kept procrastinating her world completion, along with all of those jumping puzzles (the bane of my existence). I stumbled across this interesting build on Metabattle, and although I advise caution for most meta builds posted there, this one seemed like the answer to my lack of a functional Mesmer. What can I say, I've had portal envy for a while now. Wink

The build can be found here:
I'll sum up the key points that took my mesmer from collecting dust to being my go-to class for exploration.

First, I bought her a set of exotic zerk gear with the CoF tokens I've been saving up for a while, and put in the very cheap Superior Runes of the Centaur. If you specifically want survivability for JPs at the cost of dps, feel free to swap zerk for PVT or any with high vitality. By equipping Mantra of Recovery (heal skill), Dueling VI Mantra Mastery (20% recharge reduction), Dueling XI Harmonious Mantras (3 activations of Mantras instead of 2), I am now a source of permanent swiftness for myself and my party. It certainly made my WP unlocking quest earlier today with Inu and Lion a lot swifter. Also, you can cheaply have +32% MF along with +14% boon duration with Chocolate Raspberry Creams (since you'll always have at least 1 boon up - Swiftness).

I made mine suited for Jumping Puzzle completion by increasing the recharge rate of Portal Entre with Inspiration II Glamour Mastery so I can have a reset switch on the harder jumps, and Chaos II Descent into Madness (50% falling damage) so I can survive long enough to portal back up. The other 4 points can go wherever you want, I chose to fill out the Chaos line and unlocked XIII Bountiful Disillusionment by a swift run to Southsun Cove for the daily KQ.

Many thanks to whoever the author was of the original guide, and I hope this little spiel helps everyone considering whether to level up or dust off a Mesmer!

Level 1
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Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2014-03-13

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Perma Swiftness - JP Mesmer Build Empty Re: Perma Swiftness - JP Mesmer Build

Post by The Beau Brothers Mon Apr 13, 2015 2:25 am

Never thought of optimizing a build for Jumping Puzzles.  My mesmer is built for DPS and Reflects.
The Beau Brothers
The Beau Brothers
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Perma Swiftness - JP Mesmer Build Empty Re: Perma Swiftness - JP Mesmer Build

Post by Zero Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:00 am


Guild : Army Of Lightness [AoL]
Number of posts : 1553
City : Las Vegas
Occupation : RPSGT
Registration date : 2010-03-14

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