Guild Missions Guide: Set Up
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Guild Missions Guide: Set Up
Guild Missions
This is going to be a guide for our Guild Missions (GMs); I hope to cover everything anyone could need to know and perhaps a little more as well! Firstly I would like everyone to be aware of the Dulfy Guides found at: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
AoL’s first and largest set of GMs is 1am Saturday run by Dragnix Pheodron (Kara), and our second set of GMs is 5pm Sunday currently being run by Scotty the Engineer (Mr Tech), Please note these times are SERVER TIME.
For those who have not set the server time please follow these instructions:
- Open Game Menu (small cog top left corner)
- Select Options
- In the tab General Options under User Interface look for In-Game clock: please set to “Server Time”
Please be aware of these server times compared to your real time conversion and work out which is best for you.
I would also like to place firm emphasis on joining us on TeamSpeak (TS) address: as we primarily do most of the instructing and communication there. Please make an effort to join us on TS even if you only listen!
It is highly recommended that you attend guild missions on your highest level character with the most amount of mapping achieved as there are a lot of areas that are covered.
GMs meeting place will be held at Lake Mourn, Hoelbrak (Norn starting area) Easiest access point is the Hero’s Compass Waypoint which is the furthest WP to the left, as can be seen in attached image. The round circles indicate the WP and the star is the GM meeting location.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
I would strongly advise party set ups to begin 15 minutes prior to the GMs starting, this gives us all plenty of time to get organised without it taking way too long, I will encourage the officers who will be team leaders to be there 20 minutes before so I can get them organised as well.
Upon arriving at Lake Mourn there will be officers standing around with RED tags up, it is important that you go straight to a tag, request to join them and stand beside them, please STAY by your team leader!! Once the team leader’s party is full, they will tag down to make it easier for people to identify who to join up with.
I will continue creating parties until we have everyone included, I want to avoid having multiple part groups, so if there are multiple groups without full members... please coordinate together to work out a full party, however, if you have a full party and then a member (or maybe even 2) leave, I am not too worried, but if we are doing a mission like the “Protect the Quaggans” I need to know immediately as this can potentially cause the failure of the Mission.
Once all parties have been created I will delegate numbers to each team leader and it is their responsibility to ensure that their party is aware of the party number and where they are required to go throughout the GMs.
It is crucial that you communicate during GMs, firstly to your Team Leader and if necessary to the GMs Leader, please let your team leader know if you don’t have the WP, running a little late, going AFK or BRB, anything at all.. Please talk to your team leaders, your officers are there to help you as much as they are able!
I will be going through the GMs in detail covering as many aspects as I can, if you have any questions, try checking out the Dulfy guides or asking me or any of your other officers!
I would strongly advise party set ups to begin 15 minutes prior to the GMs starting, this gives us all plenty of time to get organised without it taking way too long, I will encourage the officers who will be team leaders to be there 20 minutes before so I can get them organised as well.
Upon arriving at Lake Mourn there will be officers standing around with RED tags up, it is important that you go straight to a tag, request to join them and stand beside them, please STAY by your team leader!! Once the team leader’s party is full, they will tag down to make it easier for people to identify who to join up with.
I will continue creating parties until we have everyone included, I want to avoid having multiple part groups, so if there are multiple groups without full members... please coordinate together to work out a full party, however, if you have a full party and then a member (or maybe even 2) leave, I am not too worried, but if we are doing a mission like the “Protect the Quaggans” I need to know immediately as this can potentially cause the failure of the Mission.
Once all parties have been created I will delegate numbers to each team leader and it is their responsibility to ensure that their party is aware of the party number and where they are required to go throughout the GMs.
It is crucial that you communicate during GMs, firstly to your Team Leader and if necessary to the GMs Leader, please let your team leader know if you don’t have the WP, running a little late, going AFK or BRB, anything at all.. Please talk to your team leaders, your officers are there to help you as much as they are able!
I will be going through the GMs in detail covering as many aspects as I can, if you have any questions, try checking out the Dulfy guides or asking me or any of your other officers!
Last edited by Dragnix Pheodron on Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:01 am; edited 2 times in total
Dragnix Pheodron- Level 50
Guild : Army of Lightness (AoL)
Number of posts : 522
City : Melbourne, Australia
Occupation : Student
Registration date : 2014-06-08
Re: Guild Missions Guide: Set Up
Looks good Kara, no one that reads this should have any problems understanding how we do things.
seamonster- Level 21
Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 218
Registration date : 2010-01-28
Re: Guild Missions Guide: Set Up
The Beau Brothers- Divine Light
Guild : AOL
Number of posts : 2949
City : Morgan City, LA
Occupation : Student, Math Tutor
Hobbies : Gaming, Cooking, Bowling, Entertaining Friends
Registration date : 2007-09-19
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