Guild Missions Guide: Challenge
Dragnix Pheodron
6 posters
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Guild Missions Guide: Challenge
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Challenge is generally set for our 2nd GM and we will always all go to the same map and work together as a collective group, there are 6 possible challenges and there is a maximum time limit for completion.
Blightwater Shatterstrike - Blazeridge Steppes
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Duration: 20 minutes maximum
There will be 5 crystals that all need to be destroyed within 30 seconds of each other in under 20 minutes to complete this challenge.
The crystals are only able to be damaged by Charrzookas (CZ) that will be dropped off by a charrcopter at the beginning of the challenge. It is very important that you have 2 people with the CZ at each crystal who will work closely together to attack the crystals, generally the team leader and another member who is familiar with the process (please establish who these people are within your parties before beginning).
Those who are not operating the CZ need to focus on Veteran Branded Sparks and then any other branded creatures, kill them as quickly as possible while looking after your CZ ops.
Coordinating with each other we need to ensure that the CZ operators all lower the HP of the crystals to near destruction before stopping and moving as a single wave in a clockwise pattern taking them all out one after the other as a group after the signal has been given by your GMs Leader and team leaders.
Branded for Termination - Fields of Ruin
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Duration: 15 minutes maximum
The GMs Leader will split the GMs groups into 3 separate groups, one on the Branded Champion Ogre (down below on the ground), and the other two on the Branded Champion Devourers (up above on the ramps on either side).
The goal is to kill all 3 champions within 30 seconds of each other, if one dies and the other two are not killed they will regenerate 50% HP. The GMs Leader will give the signal for the final burn, please be very aware of the HP of your target as well as others.
The Ogre will jump in the air and throw down a shockwave punch, it will put 9 stacks of bleed on whomever it hits, and He has more HP than the Devourers so generally more people will need to be placed there.
Devourers have a siege attack that you need to dodge, if attacked it will put a burning debuff on you.
Deep Trouble - Mount Maelstrom
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Duration: 10 minutes maximum
There are 10 quaggans that have been captured by krait, we need to release them and escort them to safety.
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It is very important that you have a full party escorting each quaggan, as the quaggan tends to want to fight back and attack the krait, it will swim in very random directions and often go in the wrong direction, it is very important that you place a target on the quaggan and stay directly with it until it has reached safety.
Do not get distracted by the krait and let the quaggan swim off alone, stay on it, give it heals and attack incoming krait, each escort will generally take 2-3 minutes, ensure you listen closely to your team leader and follow their tags.
Save our Supplies – Iron Marches
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Duration: 11 minutes 40 seconds
This challenge involves protecting 20 barrels from the Flame Legion, we will have 11 minutes and 40 seconds and as long as there is at least ONE barrel remaining at the end, we will complete it successfully.
You can build turrets, mortars, and mines to protect the fort against the Flame Legion, only one can be upgraded at a time so ensure upgrades are planned out, turrets are the favoured tools.
Turrets: There are roughly 5-6 of them, they will need to be activated and then upgrades can be built afterwards like ammo capacity, caltrop shots and napalm shots, very helpful against last groups at a distance.
Mortars and mines: near the supply master are two shelves, you can take the mortar shells over to the mortars placed around the fort to activate them, landmines can be placed strategically to stop advancing attackers.
The enemies primarily come from the south and north side of the fort, north side is a narrow passage and south is more wide open and will require more people to defend.
At 7.5 minutes remaining Stalkers (archers that will attack the barrels from long range) will spawn and start coming in from the north, south and west sides, these are your primary targets as they will quickly destroy all barrels.
With 3-4 minutes remaining Igniters will spawn, they will rush the barrels and use AoE attacks to damage the barrels, again these will be a primary target.
Scratch Sentry Defense – Timberline Falls
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Duration: When the device has been shut down by researchers.
This challenge we need to defend the skritt sentries from waves of enraged ettins, jotun and spiders.
There are two sentries to the north, and one to the south, there will be four waves of mobs.
The first wave is generally trash mobs with some veterans, as the waves continue they become more difficult with veterans and champions coming at the same time. The entire event will fail if ONE sentry dies.
It is ideal to split everyone into 3 groups to defend each sentry, south will spawn ettins, while the others will spawn the spiders and jotuns.
Southsun Crab Toss – Southsun Cove
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Duration: 5 minutes
For this challenge a “carrier” will be established and ALL party leaders will tag down except the “carrier” who will show a tag.
The ‘carrier’ will pick up the crab and this will surround them with a bright shining light that can be easily seen, it is their responsibility to move around the large red circle and not step out of it, drop the crab or run into anything bad. They will have no endurance regeneration and they will lose all their skills, so it is crucial that they have people running along with them, providing condition removals, heals, aegis and speed.
Karkas will spawn and will attack the carrier, further into the timer Veteran and Champion karka will spawn and attempt to attack the carrier.
If you die during this process (and many will) please waypoint to your closest WP and run back.
Last edited by Dragnix Pheodron on Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:02 am; edited 1 time in total
Dragnix Pheodron- Level 50
Guild : Army of Lightness (AoL)
Number of posts : 522
City : Melbourne, Australia
Occupation : Student
Registration date : 2014-06-08
Re: Guild Missions Guide: Challenge
nicely done
seamonster- Level 21
Guild : AoL
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Re: Guild Missions Guide: Challenge
Excellent guides Kara!
The Beau Brothers- Divine Light
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Re: Guild Missions Guide: Challenge
thanks! this is super helpful. never done a gm before so this really helps.
huarrior- Level 0
- Guild : AoL
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Re: Guild Missions Guide: Challenge
Awesome guide Kara TY
worf warrior- Level 32
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Re: Guild Missions Guide: Challenge
Good work hun
Grawnaw- Level 15
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Registration date : 2014-06-08
Re: Guild Missions Guide: Challenge
Great Job Kara!
The Beau Brothers- Divine Light
Guild : AOL
Number of posts : 2949
City : Morgan City, LA
Occupation : Student, Math Tutor
Hobbies : Gaming, Cooking, Bowling, Entertaining Friends
Registration date : 2007-09-19
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