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Never thought this day would come.

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Never thought this day would come. Empty Never thought this day would come.

Post by Nemac Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:39 pm

Hey guys.

So this post will probably be confusing, depression, harsh or all the above.

I think the time has finally come for me to take my leave. I've dreaded this day forever and a day because when I originally joined , way back in 2007, the guild was just starting out with a handful of really amazing people. The guild had some really funny times; really enjoyable events.

There are a few reasons I'm leaving but there are two sort of big ones. The first is because of me. I'm hitting a point where I generally have less time to do anything. School is long hours, I've obtained my security licence, so my days will be even longer, I've got volunteer opportunities to do as well. Between all that, I have less time, and I generally spend in on my xbox.

The other reason is the guild itself. Although I agree that change can be good, I'm not excited about the new requirements being put into the guild. Sure I know I don't have to do any of them and I stay a low rank, I'm ok with that. The problem I have is that my computer is in the den, where my family socializes, so team speak is not an option for me. Plus the tiny apartment doesn't exactly make it easy for me to talk after everyone is asleep(also I'm usually the first person in bed now) and I have noticed that people on ts tend to ignore the chat entirely. There are a few that talk on both, and I applaud you for that, but the vast majority tend to the chat and that makes me feel a bit left out. The main point here, however, is the requirements. A guild really shouldn't have requirements. In my mind, it should always be just a large group of friends who are looking to play together. Sure, hosting events is a great way to get everyone involved, but there should be no obligations. I feel like this guild is steering too much in that direction. As someone who has a spotty attendance online this year, and last, I don't think me speaking against it would get much consideration.

I'll leave my id so you guys can get in touch with me ingame if you want.

For those of you that knew, aol was really important part of my gaming life, and I wont ever forget the good times.

(This post took my 2 hours to write, and I'm tearing up.....that makes me sound like a wuss....I shouldn't post that.)

I hope to see you in game, and good luck with all future endeavors .

Almost forgot my id. jonjodouin.4291

Level 25

Guild : Army of Lightness
Number of posts : 252
City : North Bay
Occupation : free loader
Hobbies : GW, reading, shoosting stuff(FPS games)
Registration date : 2007-07-06

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Never thought this day would come. Empty Re: Never thought this day would come.

Post by Finnguala Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:24 pm

I understand your concerns, Nemac. I hope you find a good fit. I'll miss you - hope our paths cross again! Smile

Guild : Army of Lightness [AoL]
Number of posts : 1097
City : Mid-Atlantic USA
Occupation : College Student
Hobbies : Enthusiastically dancing to Marina and the Diamonds and fawning over Troye Sivan
Registration date : 2010-08-24

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Never thought this day would come. Empty Re: Never thought this day would come.

Post by The Beau Brothers Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:01 pm

I am sorry that you feel that you no longer have a place in the guild.  I thought you were already Squire.  I must have overlooked you.  The secondary definition of Squire is an honored position for longstanding trusted members.  I knew you could not get on Teamspeak often.

I will not beg you to come back.  Just know that we will always be here for you.

With the exception of Neoteo, that now makes me the oldest original remaing member of the guild.  Not sure how I feel about that :/
The Beau Brothers
The Beau Brothers
Divine Light

Guild : AOL
Number of posts : 2949
City : Morgan City, LA
Occupation : Student, Math Tutor
Hobbies : Gaming, Cooking, Bowling, Entertaining Friends
Registration date : 2007-09-19

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Never thought this day would come. Empty Re: Never thought this day would come.

Post by DrGlamm Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:22 pm

A set of head phones easily overcomes any issue with TS. One it lowers the sound being heard and you dont have to have a microphone to communicate.

Anyways, peace.
Level 9

Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 93
Registration date : 2015-07-01

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Never thought this day would come. Empty Re: Never thought this day would come.

Post by Zero Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:54 am

<3 u nem nems, remember not to be a stranger Smile

The Beau Brothers wrote:
With the exception of Neoteo, that now makes me the oldest original remaing member of the guild.  Not sure how I feel about that :/

you still have to get rid of me for that honor Razz

Guild : Army Of Lightness [AoL]
Number of posts : 1553
City : Las Vegas
Occupation : RPSGT
Registration date : 2010-03-14

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