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I won't be able to log on for about a week at least

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I won't be able to log on for about a week at least Empty I won't be able to log on for about a week at least

Post by Fearmy Mon Sep 21, 2015 12:37 am

My laptop broke on Wednesday and according to the support guy it'll take 5-7 days plus shipping before my laptop is repaired and back to me. That's also assuming nothing goes wrong.

Now that I got access to a computer to write a five page essay, I am able to tell you guys about it.
Level 9

Guild : Army of Lightness [AOL]
Number of posts : 92
City : Albany, CA
Occupation : College
Hobbies : Board games, Card games, Video games, reading, cooking, watching tv/anime/movies, and being as lazy as possible
Registration date : 2014-07-05

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I won't be able to log on for about a week at least Empty Re: I won't be able to log on for about a week at least

Post by worf warrior Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:37 pm

Awwww hope you get it back soon and be back on gw2 Smile we will be here waiting for you Razz
worf warrior
worf warrior
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I won't be able to log on for about a week at least Empty Re: I won't be able to log on for about a week at least

Post by Fearmy Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:04 am

My Laptop has been fixed!
Level 9

Guild : Army of Lightness [AOL]
Number of posts : 92
City : Albany, CA
Occupation : College
Hobbies : Board games, Card games, Video games, reading, cooking, watching tv/anime/movies, and being as lazy as possible
Registration date : 2014-07-05

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I won't be able to log on for about a week at least Empty Re: I won't be able to log on for about a week at least

Post by Shadowcat Nyx Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:26 pm

nice. glad to hear your laptop is fixed.

Shadowcat Nyx
Level 2

Guild : Army of Lightness
Number of posts : 26
Registration date : 2014-11-06

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I won't be able to log on for about a week at least Empty Re: I won't be able to log on for about a week at least

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