Ren Fest purchases
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Ren Fest purchases
Dad and I pulled a sleepless weekend to attend the Renaissance festival. We came away with some things that made us smile.
We are going to frame these and hang them up in the study where our bookshelves and computers are.
Tyria (Obvious must buy)
Terry Pratchetts Discworld:
Best Zelda game ever: Link to the past.
and the last map is from Terry Brooks Shannara series:
Sadly they were sold out of David Eddings, The Belgariad maps.
Other purchases include leather bracers for my father, blue with the Tardis stamped onto them.
Anduril, Aragorns sword from LotR.
and a large 6ft staff, cedar, twisted from middle down to the ground, set with a large quarts crystal on the top.
We are going to frame these and hang them up in the study where our bookshelves and computers are.
Tyria (Obvious must buy)
Terry Pratchetts Discworld:
Best Zelda game ever: Link to the past.
and the last map is from Terry Brooks Shannara series:
Sadly they were sold out of David Eddings, The Belgariad maps.
Other purchases include leather bracers for my father, blue with the Tardis stamped onto them.
Anduril, Aragorns sword from LotR.
and a large 6ft staff, cedar, twisted from middle down to the ground, set with a large quarts crystal on the top.
Durnik- Level 10
Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2009-10-31
Re: Ren Fest purchases
Those are really cool! Nice finds
The Beau Brothers- Divine Light
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Re: Ren Fest purchases
These look awesome Durnik
Demonic cassandra- Level 21
Guild : aol the best
Number of posts : 212
City : Antrim
Hobbies : Gaming-Fishing-an more Gaming lol.
Registration date : 2015-05-14
Re: Ren Fest purchases
Shiny. Me want for future apartment.
Nejianita- Level 6
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Number of posts : 60
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Occupation : Artist and Student
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