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An Interesting Concept

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An Interesting Concept Empty An Interesting Concept

Post by Vmaster Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:35 pm

I copypasta'd this off of Reddit from a post that was written today.

It is an interesting concept; Naked Dungeon Challenge. It is posted as NSFW but I have not seen any nude photos. Very Happy
Link to the post on Reddit is Here if you wish to read the comments.


Are you bored with the same old dungeon paths day in and day out, over and over?

Are you tired of ridiculous group advertising like: "Zerkers only/ 50kAP+/ Must have Legendary/ No Necros/ No Rangers/ No Smoking/ Ping Gear and Screenshots/ Record Speed Clear"

And most important - Do you like being naked?

If you answered yes to all of those questions then you need kitten mittens to do a Naked Dungeon Challenge!!!

So I logged in for my dailies with no intent of staying logged on cause I've been there, done that - but I caught glimpse of an advertisement in map chat while in Frostgorge Sound for a "naked" dungeon run through HotW, all paths. I've been playing for almost 3 years now and never seen someone advertise this. I'll also be very honest that the word "naked" caught my eye more than anything else so what?

It was an actual challenge!

The rules are, the only thing you are allowed to wear is your weapon and trinkets (includes back piece for Light of Dwayne +50 beauty points). Time to show off those weapon skins you bought gems for worked so hard for without all that armor covering up your beautiful skin, tattoos, fur patterns, and glowing parasitic dragon minion salad bark. I suspect most people will just hide their shoulders and gloves but that's up to you (It will still be hard) Everyone else who wants to do it full nude, enjoy the freedom of your body like a naked baby pink Quaggan on its birthday.

You can't just stack or else you'll wipe, so dodging is key! It was the first time I've actually paid any attention to my endurance in PvE for a long time instead of just mindless dodging to make myself feel like i'm moving faster. Instead of just face-rolling, the melee players sort of tag teamed enemies by going in and out combat and switching to ranged when running low on health. Everyone is a glass cannon and on equal grounds for weakness besides your own health pool. I' to tell was not a simple run through. Every mob was a challenge, conditions were actually scary, and bosses felt like BOSSES. The underwater fight with Wollam the Plunderer was insane to say the least.

I advise everyone who is a bit bored at the moment with dungeons to round up some buddies, get naked, and do the dungeon of your choosing. (Not necessarily in that order) Its extremely fun and light heart-ed and quite the challenge, even for veteran players. That chest at the end of the dungeon will never feel so earned.

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An Interesting Concept Empty Re: An Interesting Concept

Post by Zero Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:50 pm

lol yeah. its not as easy as it sounds. convinced my friends once to strip naked during an AC run. can say the least it was fun XD

Guild : Army Of Lightness [AoL]
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