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*wedding music* It takes up so much time!!

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*wedding music* It takes up so much time!! Empty *wedding music* It takes up so much time!!

Post by Dragnix Pheodron Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:12 am

As many of you are already very familiar with (all my bitching and moaning) I have been flat out lately with wedding plans. I will be coming and going a lot and often I will be there but AFK!
If you ever need anything don't hesitate to mail me in game or of course drop me mail in here on the Forum, I am generally always within reach with Facebook too (joys of having a phone!!)
So... I just wanted to let you all know what has been happening and what will be keeping me busy for the next few months leading up to my wedding on the 7th November, 6th November will be the day for you guys... *waves arms around* I am from the futttuuuurrrreeee!!!

I will be making a massive effort to make sure I will still be able to be around to lead Saturday's Guild Missions though xoxxo
Dragnix Pheodron
Dragnix Pheodron
Level 50

Guild : Army of Lightness (AoL)
Number of posts : 522
City : Melbourne, Australia
Occupation : Student
Registration date : 2014-06-08

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*wedding music* It takes up so much time!! Empty Re: *wedding music* It takes up so much time!!

Post by worf warrior Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:56 pm

AWWW Bless Ya , don't worry about game just get YOUR Day ready and I hope you have the best day ever:)
worf warrior
worf warrior
Level 32

Guild : aol
Number of posts : 326
Occupation : Cumputer technician(engineer)
Registration date : 2012-12-17

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