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Ritualist :D

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Ritualist :D Empty Ritualist :D

Post by Mighty Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:38 pm

the ritualist is the most stationary spell caster

why is that? well its about long cast times and spirits bud ^_^

almost ALL of the ritualist skills have a catch either u have to b holding an item, standing near a spirit, b near an ally, have on purple,have aten a ppb&j sandwich for lunch the whole 9 yards

so most important keep ur spirits in mind, most battle plans revolve around them and trust me they can die fast, so be sure u place them in the right position b4 had

when making a build u should consider the following...
what do i need to pull this off?
do i need a spirt?
what spirit would best help me accomplish my goal?
how long does it take to cast or recharge?
how resislent is it?
when would i plan on casting my spirit
do i want to keep it alive or move it around with me?
do i have enough energy?
do i need an item to pull this off?
will it make my job easier if i have an item?
am i willing to giving up my weapon upgrades to hold an item?
do i have to drop the item for an addition effects?
do i need weapon spells to aid me in my game plan?
which ones do i need?
how long does the effect last?

now u should b care to remember
ur energy
and most importantly if a move needs a certain requirment to make it more usefull then by all means pursue the means to suit its needs
and you'll find urself asking the questions above Smile

so keep in mind
moves may require ceritain conditons to take effect (and meet those)
where ur spirits are, and when u need them

for a channelor- consider items and some weapon spells
communing- items can help with energy magn
restore- many good spirits and weapon spell combos

SPAWNING magic= makes the rits world go round i'll admit this category may not have the best skills but it has AWESOME passive effects
like addition health to minons and spirits
extended weapon spell duration
please consider points in this category Smile

mk any questions?


Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 1126
City : VA
Registration date : 2007-11-27

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Ritualist :D Empty Re: Ritualist :D

Post by Gorwad Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:32 am

wow this is an old post howd i get here?
Im pretty new to being a Rit but i was thrilled when basic spirits only cost 5 energy. Im trying to be an MM (Rt/N) so if anyone has any good builds please do tell Smile
Level 22

Number of posts : 225
City : NY
Hobbies : GW
Registration date : 2008-04-30

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Ritualist :D Empty Re: Ritualist :D

Post by Mighty Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:27 pm

well with a spirit bomber (Rt/N)

u use spawning magic to give ur minions a lot of health
while using boon of creation and exlosive growth for both energy managment
and some form of attack

usually it is used with sind of binding and death nova to have ur
minions swarm the enemie then EXPLODE!!!
devastating the opposing force


Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 1126
City : VA
Registration date : 2007-11-27

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