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A Suggestion Re: 2nd Ritualist Hero (Humbly Submitted)

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A Suggestion Re: 2nd Ritualist Hero (Humbly Submitted) Empty A Suggestion Re: 2nd Ritualist Hero (Humbly Submitted)

Post by Flynx Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:08 pm

I have a suggestion regarding Rit heroes, when having issues with areas with heavy conditions. Because I often run my second Rit with a split Resto/Communing build, I always ensure my Rit has Pure Was Li Ming equipped. I find problems with conditions mostly disappear when having that skill equipped. It works wonders for me and eliminates that annoying crippled condtion at the end of a fight.

Hope you find this small tip helpful!

The build I generally use is:


Level 32

Guild : AoL
Number of posts : 322
City : Connecticut...close enuff
Hobbies : GW...and then other less significant games
Registration date : 2008-09-19

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