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Sunday Guild Missions

Demonic cassandra
The Beau Brothers
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Sunday Guild Missions Empty Sunday Guild Missions

Post by The Beau Brothers Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:45 am

We need to seem some improvement in numbers for Sunday Guild Missions.  When you are online during the early day US times, or EU peak times, please promote our Sunday Guild Missions.

I would also like to set a few guidelines to speed things up.  Here are a few of my suggestions.

1.  Do not attempt Guild Challenge unless you have at least three full parties.
2.  If you fail Guild Challenge, maybe activate another one, but if it is a hard one just move on.
        (another idea would be, if it is a hard one, activate it, move on to puzzle while letting it fail,
               then activate a new one while crossing your fingers for an easier one.)
3.  Do not wait too long for new members to run.  Set a time limit like 5 minutes.

I am open to opinions on my suggestions, and I would be open to any other suggestions.
The Beau Brothers
The Beau Brothers
Divine Light

Guild : AOL
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Sunday Guild Missions Empty Re: Sunday Guild Missions

Post by Midway Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:58 pm

We should really push, bring a character that has the most map completion. Waiting for one person knowing they have another character with better map completion because they don't want to switch. It's kinda ridiculous. We have a guides on every mission. They have an entire week to have these maps opened up.
Level 40

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Sunday Guild Missions Empty Re: Sunday Guild Missions

Post by Demonic cassandra Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:26 pm

Hey Beau,Totally agree with you on the sunday guild missions we all need to promote them alot more.

(1)Guild challange would be a nightmare if you roll it with less than 3 party`s even at that it can be very hard if people don`t listen and don`t know what there doing can make it alot harder.
(2) Think the idea of activating another guild challange if you fail the first one would be a good idea to move on if it`s a hard one.
(3) alot of new members don`t have the waypoints to run guild missions and take up alot of time running them to different zone`s so they can be part of the guild missions,however that being said i think it would maybe a good idea if we ask them aday before maybe what waypoints they need if they intend to run guild missions.
(4)The numbers seem to be dropping every week for the sunday gm`s so why don`t we just roll with the saturday guild missions only, or is that feasible?taking into account how many members we got from the european side of things that would solve a alot of problems don`t you think Beau.
Demonic cassandra
Demonic cassandra
Level 21

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Sunday Guild Missions Empty Re: Sunday Guild Missions

Post by worf warrior Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:53 pm

only had 13 people this sunday but still managed to get through it with luck and another guild group did same one as us Razz
worf warrior
worf warrior
Level 32

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Sunday Guild Missions Empty Re: Sunday Guild Missions

Post by Dragnix Pheodron Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:06 am

I completely agree guys, something needs to change, we need to have clear guidelines on how to run them.
Dragnix Pheodron
Dragnix Pheodron
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Sunday Guild Missions Empty Re: Sunday Guild Missions

Post by worf warrior Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:30 pm

I am at the moment amongst other things for aol trying to get active links to the waypoints to add to teamspeak so people can click on them and game would show where it is and then they can run there before gms start. it will show all waypoints and hopefully the current whereabouts of the bounty we are looking for I know this can be done on vent but never tried on TS. will see how it goes.
worf warrior
worf warrior
Level 32

Guild : aol
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Sunday Guild Missions Empty Re: Sunday Guild Missions

Post by Demonic cassandra Wed Sep 16, 2015 6:22 pm

Active links to waypoints for gm`s sounds good to me Mr Tech..
Demonic cassandra
Demonic cassandra
Level 21

Guild : aol the best
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Registration date : 2015-05-14

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Sunday Guild Missions Empty Re: Sunday Guild Missions

Post by Sungila Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:47 pm

I think (key word: think) that I'm not working this weekend at all. This may change. However, if I am free I volunteer to go to both Saturday and Sunday guild missions to help out. Smile Sorry, I know I haven't been on much--work's been hectic.

Level 9

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Sunday Guild Missions Empty Re: Sunday Guild Missions

Post by Mrs Tech Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:11 pm

I think if the time is right then GM's can be done on a Saturday only as most members log in for that one and is probably guaranteed to complete with less or even no fails.flower flower
Mrs Tech
Mrs Tech
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Sunday Guild Missions Empty Re: Sunday Guild Missions

Post by The Beau Brothers Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:31 pm

We have contradictory threads going right now. There is one train of thought that we should discontinue the Sunday Missions temporarily. I just realized, but we were a bit rude for not including Mr. & Mrs. Tech in that conversation.

The new thread is talking about making our main missions earlier, so they are more accessible to our European members.

We can talk more about whether or not to keep Sunday missions. Maybe we could try a time more like what Killander used to try to run. Maybe even a bit earlier something in the Aussie prime time. If we can get the numbers/interest.
The Beau Brothers
The Beau Brothers
Divine Light

Guild : AOL
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Sunday Guild Missions Empty Re: Sunday Guild Missions

Post by Mrs Tech Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:39 pm

Its all about timing get that right and it should be a success flower flower
Mrs Tech
Mrs Tech
Level 17

Guild : AOL
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City : Coventry UK
Occupation : Avon Rep :P
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Registration date : 2014-04-06

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