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Guild PVP Arena Guidelines

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Guild PVP Arena Guidelines Empty Guild PVP Arena Guidelines

Post by Mutt Thu Aug 13, 2015 2:25 pm

Guild PVP arena: first the dailies will be completed. the winning team for the dailies will always be The Red Team. Once that match is over the players on the The Blue Team will switch to The Red Team so they can get their dailies.

Once everyone has completed their PVP dailies, players will click the Random button to chose a team. When both parties have filled up with all the player in the Guild PVP the match will begin with actual PVP. IF you need help with builds or testing out the build, SPEAK UP AND INFORM ALL PLAYERS IN THE ARENA VIA TS OR MAP CHAT.

If there is an issue in The Guild PVP arena inform myself (MUTT) or Midway as we are the Guild Officers handling the Guild PVP.
Level 9

Guild : Army of Lightness
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2015-05-16

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Guild PVP Arena Guidelines Empty Re: Guild PVP Arena Guidelines

Post by worf warrior Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:00 pm

eye eye captain look forward to it:)
worf warrior
worf warrior
Level 32

Guild : aol
Number of posts : 326
Occupation : Cumputer technician(engineer)
Registration date : 2012-12-17

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