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Current Organization

The Beau Brothers
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Current Organization Empty Current Organization

Post by The Beau Brothers Thu Nov 05, 2015 4:31 pm

When Geoff (Oldmate) made his original post about preparing for Raids.  He made a few jabs at our current state of organization as a guild.  He was not incorrect, due to different issues we are all dealing with, we are not very organized right now.  In the spirit of helping him to smooth his rough edges, I asked him to remove the critical points from the public post and discuss organization in the Squires Round Table.  I also told him that I was very happy that he was taking the initiative with starting to organize Raids.  He is a bit upset that I asked him to edit his post, but he did it.  He feels that our lack of organization is glaringly obvious to the whole guild and that it should be spotlighted.  

I have been being patient to wait until things settle down for Kara, then to see what we would like to do next.  But, we do need to start thinking about things.  Our current officers have, for the most part, been swamped with things in real life or in a few cases bored with the game.  However, there are a few of us who have seemed to just stop trying or caring.  I am not quite sure what to do about this yet.  We need to have to most energetic and active members taking charge in officer positions.

I would request that every officer either private message me, or respond on this thread their thoughts about this.
The Beau Brothers
The Beau Brothers
Divine Light

Guild : AOL
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City : Morgan City, LA
Occupation : Student, Math Tutor
Hobbies : Gaming, Cooking, Bowling, Entertaining Friends
Registration date : 2007-09-19

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Post by Mutt Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:00 pm

I agree, you are right we have become swamped with irl stuff and when we get on we are just like whatever. How ever we have squires for a reason to help the higher ranks of the guild when we are not there.
Level 9

Guild : Army of Lightness
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2015-05-16

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Current Organization Empty Re: Current Organization

Post by worf warrior Thu Nov 05, 2015 6:19 pm

it has been crazy to say the least we have grandchildren in and out of hospital and work but we still find some time to come and see whats going on, I feel theres a real lack of communications in the guild chat itself and almost everytime I have come on I get no reply Sad but I also get some people expressing the lack of caring within the guild to the point they are not enjoying being part of our guild. this to me is very sad, very sad indeed when our members feel so left out they don't like being here Sad.....I have seen officers on line and people ask for help and get no response apart from me in whisper(I whisper them to see if theres any response from others). its a shame coz it spoils what AOL stands for.
worf warrior
worf warrior
Level 32

Guild : aol
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Occupation : Cumputer technician(engineer)
Registration date : 2012-12-17

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Current Organization Empty Re: Current Organization

Post by Demonic cassandra Thu Nov 05, 2015 7:39 pm

I for one see were ur coming from Beau and i`m going to be honest here with everything i say,ok when i joined Aol i got one hell of a welcome response from everyone who was in the guild and it really made me so proud to be apart of the family,but now things seem to have changed so much over the last few months or so with people not being bothered to get themselves more involved with members that are online and even say hello in guild chat but that also seems to be a big problem atm,yes i`ll be the first person to hold my hands up and say that iv`e been neglecting my roll as an officer and i`m not the only one higher ranks here,but the reason why i`ve not been more active in the guild is my wife`s in wheelchair and has major health problems which will be with her for the rest of her life, so i know you guy will all understand that she`s gotta come the same time if i`m not doing the officer roll the way it should be then i deserve to be demoted for neglecting the roll i took in the first place and not up holding the duties i signed up for and i`m really sorry for this.

Hope this sounds ok.
Demonic cassandra
Demonic cassandra
Level 21

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Registration date : 2015-05-14

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Post by Mrs Tech Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:10 pm

I have also noticed a lot less typing going on in guild chat, which is sad cos we were and still are a good Guild, Srg no need to leave ya post mate we all understand that real life issues must come before the game, like Mr Tech said we have our grandchild in hospital at the moment and i'm all over the place going here there and everywhere, but hopefully he will be going home on Saturday, my daughter is also due to have a baby in December and has to attend hospital twice a week. i try to get on as much as i can, I haven't done a lot of talking but that's just me dealing with real life in my own way. But saying that I for one would like to see AoL get back to guild chat and have the fun we always had on screen as well as team speak. so lets do what we can to get back on track.
Mrs Tech
Mrs Tech
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Current Organization Empty Re: Current Organization

Post by Demonic cassandra Sat Nov 07, 2015 7:19 am

This worries me as I thought we would`ave had alot more response to this post from all officers,would be nice to here everyone`s opinion or has everyone just give up trying to push the guild forward as Beau says.
Demonic cassandra
Demonic cassandra
Level 21

Guild : aol the best
Number of posts : 212
City : Antrim
Hobbies : Gaming-Fishing-an more Gaming lol.
Registration date : 2015-05-14

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Current Organization Empty Re: Current Organization

Post by Dragnix Pheodron Sun Nov 08, 2015 6:00 am

Hi guys, I am partly responsible for this as well... I have been so busy with IRL stuff that I haven't been able to dedicate the time I would have otherwise done.
My wedding was amazing and I am in the process of organising the last few things needed before we jet set away on our honeymoon!
Once my husband (hehehe i love saying that) and I are back, please know that I will be back with full force and looking forward to helping you all out again xxxx
Dragnix Pheodron
Dragnix Pheodron
Level 50

Guild : Army of Lightness (AoL)
Number of posts : 522
City : Melbourne, Australia
Occupation : Student
Registration date : 2014-06-08

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